Single Digits!

I am now down to just 9 days to go til I reach my due date! I am very excited to meet my daughter, I really hope she doesn't need the 9 days and shows up on her own sooner! I know it's been an absolutely pain to literally be counting down every day til she is due to arrive, so I just want to tell everyone to just hold out and bear with it, you'll get there in the end! :-D


  • Yay! So happy for you.. I can't wait to be there.. 47 here :) good luck on everything!
  • Congrats and best of luck!!
  • Lucky you!!! But congratulations! All your hard work will soon pay off when your holding your precious baby for the first time!! I still have 39 days to go...
  • i have 11 more to go:) cant wait to meet my baby boy or girl, its like christmas in april lol
  • I have 14 more. Congrats though :)
  • I have 1 more day to go :) can see her going overdue tho cos she knows how much we want her out!! Stubbon like her father LOL. Good luck ladies xxxxx
  • Thank you and good luck all of you! @katemc just one day! Wow. Been having any regular signs it might be soon though? :-)
  • @SheridanLM1991 I've been having braxton hicks, none have been painful tho, my lower back has started to.really hurt since weekend, and today I've had the odd uncomfortable twinge! I just want her here now lol, might have to try some natural ways of inducing her LOL xxxx
  • Lucky ladies! I also have 9 to go, but 9 weeks as opposed to days. My time will time will come lol.
  • @katemc who knows, she might want to come out on her due date. Lol, i've been trying the natural methods, seem to be helping though. Been having painful contractions for about the last week. I've also had that lower backache! Just doesn't go away. Haha so i'd definitely say try walking and sex if you can! :-)
  • Yay! :D Congrats! I still have 46 to go.
  • That's not long! Before you know it you'll be wondering where the time went. :-)
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  • Ooo not long now :D hope she doesn't stay for longer!! x
  • Hopefully not! If she does, i'm booked for a membrane sweep 2 days overdue, so I hope it helps if I get to that point lol
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