any english mummys to be want a free scan picture...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I dont know how it is in america but here in england we have to pay £6 for a scan picture. Well i went to the early pregnancy unit today for a scan because of cramps and back pain, they did a scan for me so got to see my lil bubs for the 1st time AND got a free scan picture :-) iv got my dating scan in 2weeks so get to see bubs again then. Was the best feeling in the world seeing the heartbeatand seeing my lil bubs chilling with his/her legs up in the air was proper cute. :-)
so for any english mummys to be want an early free scan go to the docs with cramps and back pain and they should refer you :-)


  • Lol I've never paid for any of my scan pics :) I live in Wales, UK, must be a England thing..don't they get enough of our money!!! Xxx
  • I got 4 free at my dating scan, didn't bother at 20 week scan and when I had an extra scan at 36 weeks I got one for free which is my picture on here :-D I guess it depends on where you live and if you have a nice sonographer lol
  • I don't actually mind paying for a scan picture we are very lucky to not have to pay for health care prescriptions and dental work while pregnant so what's a few pounds for a pic.
  • True actualy but it was still nice to get it free. My first sighting of my lil bubs. :-)
  • I had to pay 10pound for my scan pictures! It gets very expensive everytime i go for a scan what with buying pictures and paying for the car parks!!
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