Anyone been exposed to fifths disease while pregnant? I just found out my nephew has it and i had to have bloodwork done today. Anyone else experience this?
Its similar to mumps or measles. It is also called slap face disease and is common among young children. Most people get it and never know, but then are immune
Look it up online I was exposed when I was preg with my son but didn't get it they just worry BC it can cause problems with the fetus but its pretty rare! Good luck!
Good luck girl I hope you stay healthy. I thought I was exposed to merca, and ver bc the docs gave my dad all those diseases but I seem to be healthy, but I was scared as heck anyone. Just keep taking your prenatels and give anyone sick the finger cross to stay away! Evillllll! Lol
I have, I work at a daycare and it went threw there like wildfire! Every kid had it. I had to get blood work also. But apparently I had it when I was younger, so I was immune. But if uv never had it its if your in the first trimester, then you have to worry. And when the rash appears, that's when there not contagious anymore(:
Thanks for the support! I'm not sure if I had it when I was little, hopefully I did though. We will see when the blood test comes back! I should get it back in the middle of next week. Luckly I'm 25 weeks, so odds are that everything is ok.