Trying! NEED help!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So my boyfriend and I have decided to have a baby! =) but haven't succeded =( so I was wondering if there's any tips or advice anybody can give. Greatly appreciated! =)


  • Track ur fertile & ovulation day wit the mydys app.
  • We tried for 4 months then gave up n well the next month I was prego lol. He started pulling out n I was using VCF contraceptives n I got prego not trying so maybe if u don't think about it as much it just happens
  • Ok thanx!!! Ill try that! =)
  • @gracienjay Try having sex every other day during your fertile period and on the day you ovulate.
  • That works?
  • I asked the docs for help we didn't not try and didn't try either but couldn't get pregnant for 7 years I was prescribed provera and clomid in Nov. And we were pregnant in Dec. But that's just my story I have pcos
  • Yes ma'am. I only had sex on one of my fertile days and on the day I ovulated. It was one of my really fertile days though.
  • Ohhhh....thanx! =)
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