Feeling guilty about baby #2...

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
It has been just my son and I for almost 5 years, and now baby #2 is due in 8 weeks. I am so nervous that my son is going to feel left out, and feel like I don't have time for him anymore. He is such a sweet and sensitive boy, and he is already in love with his baby sister, but I feel so guilty because I love my boy so much, I find it hard to imagine this much love towards another child. I already love her, but my son is my best friend and I feel like I'm doing something wrong lol. Does anybody else get what I'm going through, or has anybody had this fear as well? I cannot stop crying over it and feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown!! :*(


  • Yeah I do that too and he is beyond excited for her to come, I just can't imagine not having that one on one time all the time anymore. i know I'll make time for him and I, I just get sad and worrt about his little heart being broken, thinking I don't love him anymore or that I love her more than him. Blah!
  • Just keep your son active in babys life at five he van sit and hold and feed baby ... grab clothes and a whole bunch of other things... instead of thinking you're doing something wrong think instead of a twosome you get to be a threesome... you might not wanna just give baby your sons things though... that can cause jealously and well my brother bit my sister... both younger than me...
  • Thanks, ladies. I ended up crying myself to sleep lol. I think sometimes my hormones get the best of me. I feel better this morning. :)
  • I cry about it all the time! My princess is 2. Does your hospital allow kids to stay with you in the hospital?
  • I don't know, I know he can come visit and he will. I thought about letting him be a part of her birth, but I think he would be traumatized because he freaks out when I have an ultraaound lol. He thinks they're going to hurt me and his sissy! So I think I'll just have him stay in the waiting room with my dad and when she's here, he can come be with us until it' time for bed and then he'll go stay with my parents. I don't think he would sleep well at the hospital anyways, he gets apprehensive when it comes to sleeping anywhere else but home
  • That's how I feel! I have a two & a half year old daughter, & we are the best of friends. I am a stay at home Mommy, & do full time schooling online. So we are super close & have a special relationship. Im trying to make her as included in the pregnancy as possible. I feel lost! Lol.
  • I fear the same thing. My daughter will be three when this baby is born. I just don't want her to feel replaced. I just need to make sure to keep her involved. I cry about this all the time.
  • I cry about it all the time too! I feel like I'm cheating on him haha. He is my world and I worry about hurting his feelings because he is such a gentle and sensitive boy. I had a friend who just had her 2nd on Thursday and she feared the same thing but says her daughter has been so helpful and loving towards her newborn. That made me feel a little better, hopefully it will be that same outcome. :)
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