Period Cramps Normal?

I guess im about 4wks pregnant. I was suppose to start my period on the 7th but still no period. Have major bloating, extra grassy, and feel like I wanna have a BM but Nothing comes out. I keep getting period like cramps as if im about to come on my period... is that normal?


  • Yeah, I had that too. Its just your uterus stretching out :)
  • How soon did u schedule your first appointment?
  • It is normal. I had them. After they stopped the morning sickness, or all day sickness, started.;p
  • @November_baby it sounds like we are in the same boat have you taken a test yet?
  • Oh goes thank u ppl thats going through what im going through in due in november also... As soon as the cramps stop i get morning sickness... Ugh
  • haven't had morning sickness yet but there are times where ill taste something or smell something and ill feel like I want to throw up but I don't.
    @ futuremrshoward.... I took two tests, one on Thurs. It showed two lines=positive and the other on Sat. It showed a faint line.... Not quite sure But there hasn't been a period this month yet.... was suppose to come on the 7th. Never missed a period before
  • edited March 2011
    I've been having cramps for the past 3 or more weeks.. its hell! Hoping they go away soon. I'll be 6 weeks this Thursday.

    I have the bloating, gas, but also have diahria.. terrible.. baby is worth it though :)
  • I agree!!! I can't wait to see my son or daughter!!! We have so far to go.... seems like years from now til we actually are due. GOD bless tho. I pray all us women have healthy babies!!!
  • I am dealing with the same thing right now ! I'm only 5 weeks and 4 days. Everyday it feels like I'm about to start my period. The dr said its pretty normal though. Everyones bodies react differently
  • I am 9 weeks today and still getcramps, can't wait till its done. I also have morning sickness and throw up about every other day all day long. I know its worth it but it sucks right now:)
  • I'm 17+ weeks, I still get them sometimes. I think I've learned to ignore them.
  • I'm so glad to hear that everyone else has some of the same issues as me.. I was so worried about the cramping.. I've got all day sickness and cramps and lots of boating... I can't wait to see my baby..
  • I had them up until about 7 weeks. I am now 10w3d and only get them occasionally.
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