TTC with PCOS?
hey there, I am 24 yrs old, and trying for my first. My husband and I have been together for 3 yrs and no luck so far, when i was 16 i was diagnosed with PCOS, so i have delt with irregular menstrual cycles my entire life, but when I was 16 it couldnt of been better for me! Getting the dreadful "flo" 2 times a year I was extatic, and evidently ignorant, not paying attention to the other signs of PCOS. My husband and I are the oldest of 12 kids between both families, 5 of us old enough to have children and support them! We are the only ones in the family who are married, and the only ones in the family without children. I started going to the doctors last week. So far i have had they typical pap, and 6 viles of blood drawn, tomorrow morning i have the glucose fasting test, (yumm) lol. and next week I have both my ultrasounds, external and internal. Once the dr rediagnoses me with PCOS they will start treatment on metformin, and hopefully that will correct my condition, so we can finally have children... Has any one been diagnosed with PCOS or undergone the treatment and successfully conceived? I need alittle encouragement. I will be completly devistated if the DR comes back with something negitive about me being able to concieve or therefore lack of....
Here is my story, maybe it will help you feel encouraged! I hope anyway: I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I know alot of mine is gendiabetic (mom has it too and dad is diabetic). It doesn't help that i am overweight too! Anyway, I am currently on metformin, at the highest dose possible! Been on it since June of 2006. I had 3 children very young (at 19, 20 and 23). No problems getting pregnant. Then in 2004 we wanted a fourth. Tried for 18 months and nothing! I figured it just wasent meant to be. Well I went to my kids pediatrician and she asked if we were done. When i said no we started talking about us trying for a yr and a half. She suggested i see my doc. My dr then referred me to an endo. They diagnosed me with PCOS. But me on metformin and an excercise plan (at least 30 min of excercise everyday). Well I took the meds, and excercised really good for 6 months and boom on Nov of 2006 I was pregnant. Sadly it was ectopic (due to scars from my c-sections). So, i stopped exercising and my cycles messed up. Well last year (in March) I started riding my bike 15-20 miles a day with a friend of mine. And boom-preggo in* une of this last yr (another heartbreaking ectopic). So its January and I start my new years resolution to excercise and BOOM-positive pregnancy test again. (This time clearly in-utero and all is going well). Anyway, I took my meds pretty regularly, but I'll be honest, I was best at taking my meds when i was exercising. I have never been a huge eater, but like most PCOS people, I love carbs (which is the evil food for our condition). I will tell you I have never been good at changing my diet (not recommended but I am not strong willed when it comes to diets). But, I do know weight just falls off me when I work out regularly and between my exercising and taking my meds, I was able to get regular cyles and eventually get pregnant. Ok so this is really really long and I'm sorry about that. If you stopped reading by now I don't blame you