TTC with PCOS?

hey there, I am 24 yrs old, and trying for my first. My husband and I have been together for 3 yrs and no luck so far, when i was 16 i was diagnosed with PCOS, so i have delt with irregular menstrual cycles my entire life, but when I was 16 it couldnt of been better for me! Getting the dreadful "flo" 2 times a year I was extatic, and evidently ignorant, not paying attention to the other signs of PCOS. My husband and I are the oldest of 12 kids between both families, 5 of us old enough to have children and support them! We are the only ones in the family who are married, and the only ones in the family without children. I started going to the doctors last week. So far i have had they typical pap, and 6 viles of blood drawn, tomorrow morning i have the glucose fasting test, (yumm) lol. and next week I have both my ultrasounds, external and internal. Once the dr rediagnoses me with PCOS they will start treatment on metformin, and hopefully that will correct my condition, so we can finally have children... Has any one been diagnosed with PCOS or undergone the treatment and successfully conceived? I need alittle encouragement. I will be completly devistated if the DR comes back with something negitive about me being able to concieve or therefore lack of....


  • I have a 13 and 2 yr old. After the last one I was told that I had pcos, and put on metfomin started low and went all the way to 2000 mg a day. Also had a cyst on my ovary that I had removed. Anyways right now I'm almost 20 weeks with this one, so it can happen, just keep the faith. I think I had pcos from puberty and maybe that'd why so long between the first two. However this is the only one that I took metfomin with.
  • I'm sorry you have to go through this. PCOS can be very difficult but not the end of your abilityto have a baby. Stay positive and keep going to the doc, if you have a good one it makes a world of difference. are yyou seeing an endocrinologist?? If not you should get a referral to one, they really specialize in PCOS usually. A reproductive endo is good, but even just a regular endo is helpful.

    Here is my story, maybe it will help you feel encouraged! I hope anyway: I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I know alot of mine is gendiabetic (mom has it too and dad is diabetic). It doesn't help that i am overweight too! Anyway, I am currently on metformin, at the highest dose possible! Been on it since June of 2006. I had 3 children very young (at 19, 20 and 23). No problems getting pregnant. Then in 2004 we wanted a fourth. Tried for 18 months and nothing! I figured it just wasent meant to be. Well I went to my kids pediatrician and she asked if we were done. When i said no we started talking about us trying for a yr and a half. She suggested i see my doc. My dr then referred me to an endo. They diagnosed me with PCOS. But me on metformin and an excercise plan (at least 30 min of excercise everyday). Well I took the meds, and excercised really good for 6 months and boom on Nov of 2006 I was pregnant. Sadly it was ectopic (due to scars from my c-sections). So, i stopped exercising and my cycles messed up. Well last year (in March) I started riding my bike 15-20 miles a day with a friend of mine. And boom-preggo in* une of this last yr (another heartbreaking ectopic). So its January and I start my new years resolution to excercise and BOOM-positive pregnancy test again. (This time clearly in-utero and all is going well). Anyway, I took my meds pretty regularly, but I'll be honest, I was best at taking my meds when i was exercising. I have never been a huge eater, but like most PCOS people, I love carbs (which is the evil food for our condition). I will tell you I have never been good at changing my diet (not recommended but I am not strong willed when it comes to diets). But, I do know weight just falls off me when I work out regularly and between my exercising and taking my meds, I was able to get regular cyles and eventually get pregnant. Ok so this is really really long and I'm sorry about that. If you stopped reading by now I don't blame you :) but wanted you to know its possible, don't give up, don't be discouraged and be sure you have a dr you can trust-then listen to them. :) good luck to you! If I can help you or support you in any way let me know! Its gonna happen for you two, I just know it!!
  • I have pcos also and I'm 18 weeks!! I took metaformin for only a month and a half and found out I was pregnant shortly after. I tried for 2 years to conceive and had one miscarriage due to my high insulin levels. My doc saved me. Good luck!!! I hope your as blessed as I am.
  • i am sooo appreciated of all the support. What scares me is that being diagnosed when i was 16, i was on birthcontrol for almost 2 years, then my mother and I moved, loosing medical insurance, she never took me to see another doctor. I am not seeing an endo, unfortunatly I am only going to the local healthdepartment. My Job only offers medical insurance if your over 30 hrs a week, and surprisingly enough they only give everyone 28 hrs, so they dont have to clasify them as fulltime employees, and with irony, I am only able to qualify for medicade if I am pregnant or have a kid....When they told me that I looked at them and said, well DUH, there lies my delema, im trying to get pregnant! Unfortunatly the county I live in OBGYN's and ENDO's will not see you if you donot have insurance or medicade! So I am stuck going to the healthdepartment. Thankfully the doctor there is very understanding and told me she will do everything possible to assist me in becoming pregnant. I am greatfull for everyones support and information about metformin and how to keep my hopes up, Ive been terified for years that I wont ever be able to concieve. I know that being a woman with PCOS, weight is deffinatly and issue. This year alone I have gained 50lbs, and honestly I blame that on working 12 hours a day as a server with delicious CARBS! I lost 30 lbs with in the last 4 months and the past month alone I have gained over half of that back. Two years ago I experamented with some invasive exercise and dieting, measuring everything I took in and walking 10miles aday. I would have one soda aday and that was just because I couldnt deal with the caffine headaches.. The rest was water all day long, walks, no pastas, no breads and 1 sweet a day. Proper servings. Frankly I looked great by the time the summer was over with, loosing almost 75lbs. But when I started a highdemand job, extremely stressfull, I turned right back to what I know... SUGAR...Ill keep everyone posted after my ultra sound on monday and thanx again!!!!
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  • It makes me sad to hear when medical insurance is limiting medical care! Makes me crzy! But sounds like you have a good doc helping you, so take their advice. Take your meds, I tell you they are a God send for us PCOS girls! Just stay with what dc says, even whan it seems like a broken record :)! Sadly I didn't always listen, and if I had I would have been better off. It sounds really crazy but taking meds, watching those carbs (yum carbs ;) ) and not stressing too much will do a world of wonders for you. Practice the art of baby making in the meantime ;) and it will happen. Trust me I went months even years without really takin the meds or getting the doc follow up, and while it felt like starting over when I would go back to doctor, it didn't take long to get my cycles and ovulation going again. The worst part of it all is the darn blood tests. I'm really glad to hear they are doing tests and u/s tests. That's a good start. Hang in there, your gonna get there. I fully believe that. Keep us updated :)
  • ok so heres a question for all the ladies who have PCOS, what types of no carb diets have you tried and been successful or not with.. Like most I am addicted to breads pastas, sweets, rice, all the naughty stuff we shouldnt have, so what am I allowed to eat? I just raided my pantry and litterally 3/4 of it, is nothing but carbs, leaving me with....well basically nothing in my pantry. in the fridge is dairy, yogarts, cheese, salad mix, freezer is, the basic's chicken porkchops, hamburger (actually ground chuck) which one is healthier? beef or chuck? sausage.... they typicall "southern fat girl house" help.. lol. as much as Ive been addicted to salads, lately I know that my body cannot survive souly on rabbit food...
  • I also have pcos and am now 8 wks pregnant with my first child. I was on metformin, clomid, and had the hcg shot and it worked for me. I hope everything works out for you :-)
  • I am horrible and only watch my carb intake (I know tahats horrible). What I've done is added protein to any carbs I eat with atleast 1 protein to every carb, and no more than 30 carbs per meal. Its like a diabetic diet that my endo gave me, but I leave out the fat amount (again I know horrible). I also make sure most of my carbs are whole wheat (true whole wheat) and from veggies, legumes, etc. I just started eating some white breads and pasta again w/ this pregnancy, and let me tell ya I actually prefer and go back to the whole wheat bread and pasta. Love the nutty flavors. When I lost alot of weight I stayed away from all the candy, cakes, cookies, goodies, except when I went out with friends, then I'd treat myself. I never went the full atkins or south beach, but my cousin did both (she has PCOS also) and she was very successful-much more than I. She lost 95 lbs, and has had a baby and now has kept it off after 7 yrs. Anyway, any diet that watches the bad carbs is good to follow. The endo docs I've seen always give me a diabetic diet. Those diets are good for everyone, but really good for us PCOS gals. If only I could get the darn fried foods out of my diet. :) goood luck hun. Look up Diabetic Diets, if its in that, your on the right track. Now I just have to take my own advice so I don't gain 50 lbs with this bebe :)
  • Metformin is the reason I got pregnant. I was diagnosed with PCOS and type 2 diabetes just over a year ago. I was having maybe 4 periods a year at that time. Within a month of starting the metformin I had a period and it was like clock work every month after. Exactly a year after I started it, I found out I was pregnant. I will be 11wks tomorrow, and I am 100% convinced it was the metformin...well and the fact my blood sugar levels are now 80-135 instead of 300-400 like they were a year ago. My endocrinologist is amazing. My hubby and I have been married 6 months, but together 5yrs. We never thought I was even able to have kids. Just don't give up hope. You will have your own little peanut when the time is right :) good luck!
  • well today was the thrid trip to the doctors this week alone, had to have more blood tested this time for my insulin levels. Todays tuesday, and all or my results should be back by friday, for pap and all 3 different blood drawings, total of 7 different tests.. Monday is my ultrasound, external and internal.. hopefully the week after my doctor will start me on metformin.... thankyou for all the support form all of you wonderful ladies/mothers/mommys2be! :X
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  • I was diagnosed with pcos and endometriosis when I was 16 or 17 never been treated or either, and had 2 miscarriages and now I am 37 weeks pregnant with my daughter!!!
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