Ne bodyy an expert at child support.? Im clueless HELP.!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
im 17 ndd my bby daddy is 19. Im duee in mayy ndd I really dont want to givee himm the last namee bkusz he is expextinn another bby a month after minee is bornn. Idk if the other gurl is goingg to askm for it too buhh I just want to makee suree myy bby gets wat he deserves. I need helpp on advicee of howw ndd weree to start with all of that. Please comment if uu havee ne advicee or feedbak that I kann usee thanxx


  • edited March 2011
    You can give the baby any last name you want. Even if he signs the birth cert. You don't have to give the baby the fathrs last name. If you are on any kind of assistance the jobs and family services will take over and help you out. If you aren't all you have to do is contact the local child support enforcement agency and they will assistance you in any and all services you may need. I've been through this before and I have 4 kids im a pro at it lol... hope that helps. If you need more advise let me know.
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  • No minee is the 1st. My biggest fear is that summhoww she gives birth first. I dont wishh ne thingg badd uponn her or her bby. Buhh sumtimes I thinkk she luckedd out ndd will againn. If he is not workinn buhh goinn to skul will they still make em payy.? Ndd howw do I makee sure he pays.?
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  • edited March 2011
    @almost4 not true in every state. like you said different states are different... here in Ohio just bc the father pays support doesn't mean they get visitation. That is a totally different issue. On the child support Voicemail it even says we cannot assist in custody or visitation orders only help with finding the absent parent, obtaining dna and support orders. It all depends on the state too though. And he will become in back support and until he pays that back support it will hang over his head and he will always have to pay that.... good luck.
  • If you give the baby his last name he will have right s to that child if you don't give the baby the last name he will have no rights that is I you don't put him on the birth certificate that is if he decides not to fight for custody but if you fight for child suport then he gets visiting rights as well it depends on what you want to do
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  • Child support laws go by state.
  • Im fromm texas. :) I dnt want to givee himm the last namee buhh I knww that kums with a dna test right.? Whichh will makee the process alot longer. How longg does it usally takee.?
  • It all depends on how long it takes them to get the paper work for it. And im not from texas but here in ohio it doesn't matter if daddy has his name on the bc or not that doesn't give him rights at all. It all depends on if you have his info which im sure you do lol... it takes a dna test normally 1/3 weeks. It took mine two weeks. I only had one done bc I was trying to avoid another guy long story.. You can put anyones last name on the birth cert. You could put the last name of the dad on the bc if u wanteto without him siging it. I could of put Pit as in brad pits last name for my kids last name. Or joe blow. Just saying they can't stop you from putting whatever name you want. But again it is texas so Idk it sounds like that's a pretty tough state. Glad I don't live there no offense. It doesn't seem like the laws are fair!!!
  • I still don't think u have to give the baby his last name, even with a dna test. Here in pa even if he does pay child support that doesn't grant him visitation nor any type of custody. That is a whole separate issue. Here in pa its called generations. The parent that files for custody has to pay a fee of I think $300, And they make everyone involved do all kinds of parenting classes, which also comes with a fee. The parent filing is also liable for those fees. They do offer assistance and free legal advice if u qualify but its still not cheap by any means. If he uses drugs or is involved in any kind of illegal activity u can use that in ur defense. They will make him take a drug test if u request one and if it is positive that will not even consider custody. If it comes to a custody battle u need to pull every card u have, and expect him to do the same. Also just because u having the first child doesn't nessesarily mean anything. the person who files first gets the majority of his wages. So don't bullshit on going to file.

  • Do uu thinkk I kann filee beforee thr bby is bornn? Or wouldd I havee to wait.?
  • U have to wait there has to be a dna if he doesn't sign the bc
  • Here in pa it usually takes about a month, however he will owe from the time u file. so no matter what he will already b behind (that's called arrears) and have to pay extra every month til he's caught up.

  • Do uu thinkk I kann filee beforee thr bby is bornn? Or wouldd I havee to wait.?
  • U can't file for child support nor any other kind assistance for the baby til he/she is born...
  • Like I said you have to wait on the baby but u maybe able to get the paper work and startit before the baby is born
  • Well yeahh theree pretty slow with the process ovr here fromm wat I havee heardd. Im definately filing b4 her I just dont knw weree to start wit the wholee thingg
  • The hospital should be able to help guide you. Call the child support office if nothing else and ask them how you should go about things when the baby is born.. here in ohio if you are on assistance they are pretty quick about getting it done.another thing he will probably have to have medical care on the baby as well. Here in ohio if you aren't getting cash assistance you can opt out of getting support but the absent parent has to carry insurance on the baby if there job has it available as well as the mother too.
  • I recently foundd out he is workinn at ja.ckk in the boxx. I just dnt knw howw muchh he is workinn ndd how much he makes.
  • The child support enforcement will figure that out but as long as u know where he's at and working at your good. But the minute he switches jobs and u find out u pick up the phone and call them and report the changes!!!! It will help you out! Every time I heard something I called I didn't care if it wasn't a good lead bc they still had to do the investigation. They eventually find the othr parent. It helps them out when u call bc they can't always keep up either. My ex had 15 jobs in a months time. They were greatful for my help.
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