the things we do for our kids

edited March 2011 in Parenting
Its cold tonight and we don't have heat though we are very warm in our pjs and blankets so its not really a problem fo us but my kids have reptiles and for some reason their jeater came unpluged so I'm sitting here wit an ignana icecube in my shirt trying to warm him up what's the oddest thing you've done for your kids


  • My son is 3 and my little sister got a bearded dragon for christmas...not last year but the year one day my son decided he wanted a dragon and made one up...his name also means dragon and he knows one day I had to walk around the store holding a pretend leash with a invisiable flying dragon and then had to go to the pet store right next door and he even asked a clerk if they had stuff for his pet dragon! It was so cute but embaressing also
  • edited March 2011
    @jbaby that's so cute he's got a great creative mind
  • Oh yes he does...the sales rep thought it was the cutest thing and even played along...I had to ice my sholder the whole next day but it was worth it to make him happy!
  • Yay hot laundry just out of the dryer I can take the lizard out of my shirt
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