Due 9-22 anyone due around then find out the sex yet??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im going in 11 days and hoping they can tell me for sure :) I already have 2 girls and a boy....really hoping for a boy because my husband and son will be heartbroken and I dont want to let them down lol. We already have a girl name picked out but can not come close to agreeing on a boy name! Im starting to think that means its a girl.


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  • I'm due Sept 24 I don't find out till April 16 wen I'm 17 weeks :)
  • I did today!!! I'm duee aug 19 :)
  • At least having something to look forward to this close will make some of this time go by faster! September feels like it will never get here.

    Awesome what are you having?
  • Girl !!! Could have sworn it was a boyy all along.. Butt im soooooo happpyyy :))))
  • Im due 9/11 and don't find out for six more weeks :(
  • @sdubois I'm due tomoz with a girl, my reason for commenting tho is your tattoo! It's beautiful!! Lol sorry if I think I'm weird!! Good luck with pregnancy xxx
  • Im due 9/1 and I was scheduled to do my ananamy ultra sound next month on the 19 but found out today. Yippee! Its a boy, he was being shy but he let us get a good view after being pushed an prodded.
  • My due date is the same day and they told me a boy he said he was pretty sure but well see if he right in a few weeks
  • Due the 20th get to find out on the 4th. ;)
  • I'm due on the 20th and its a girl <3
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  • @katemc thank you and good luck :) I'm hoping it doesn't get ruined by the pregnancy!

    I'm excited that some of you already know,I was scared that I was wasting my money with the 3d too early. But looks like I'm not the only one that can't wait the 20 weeks!
  • Im due sept 21st and I wnt find out till next month what im having, rooting for a girl tho :)
  • I haven't had the 3d just did the nuchal ultrasound and a lot of people find out that way and super early!
  • @mrswright08 we hve the same due date idk wht I'm having yet I hope ur boy news rubs off on me cause I want a boy even been dreamin bout him lol but I wont find out til the april 6th :( keep my fingers crossed.
  • I am due sept 16 and I am paying to go and see cause I can't wait!! It is killing me! I will find out @ 16 weeks, going on april 3rd!! Praying baby cooperates!
  • I'm due the same date and I find out in april 12
  • Im due September 22!! Next appointment is April 6th...soooo fingers crossed I find out then!!
  • I'm due sept 3rd had an ultrasound today an they think its a boy but I have 2 go back in 2 weeks to be sure
  • Im due sept 19!!!!!!! I think im havin a boy but everybody says its a girl. Oh well ;) hopefully find out soon. Was gonna find out at 12 wks but when i went for my ultrasound cpl wks ago the baby was bein lazy and didnt want to move the way we needed him/her to..lol so we have to wait til the baby is more active . Btw im 14 wks
  • I'm due Sept 25 I find out April 13 I hope I have a girl!!!
  • I'm due 9/23 and won't find out until 20 weeks. Its my drs office policy, which sucks because I want to know so bad!
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