Is she really a friend or my bd's other woman?

Well im 7 mos pregnant and my babydad has been acting really weird for a couple of weeks.. Well i came to find out hes been working w sum new girl who he has 2 help as part of the job.. I havent seen my bf in a week dont talk on the phone.. And he hardly texts.. And the last couple times he said he was gonna come home he never did.. I cant help but think he may have sumthing going on w this girl he just met.. I got ahold of her via facebook.. She knows about me and she knows im pregnant.. Seemed really nice wants to meet me get together and go 2 dinner.. She gave me her number so if i have any questions i can just call her.. Ive asked her if anything is going on of course she said no.. She says im lucky and that hes a good guy.. In general she seems very eager to make me feel comfortable of them working so closely and she says she understands.. Is this typical behavior of what the other woman acts??? I dont understand.. My bf is being quite distant i cant help but put 2 and 2 together.. Advice please.. I cant sleep shake cry i cant eat.. This is the worst feeling.. I think the girl is lying.. I think hes lying..


  • I cant give advice because I have questioned the same situation with my bf and his female friend I just have to trust him and know he loves me and wants to be a family.... his friend calls and text all the time I talk to her on the phone once and she said they were just friends blah blah blah but I kinda believe my bf he always invites me to be around them but I never want to because I know I will just be a bitch to her ... I told my bf I didnt care if they talked or hung out every once in awhile but I didnt want anything to do with it
  • Im really young is my 1st baby w him.. I do not kno how to react to the situation.. I just do know also if this is how women if theyre involved in an affair act..
  • edited March 2011
    Get together with the both of them see how they act around eachother and you. I could tell one of my bd's female friends was more cause of the way she looked at him and acted she didn't even want to talk to me red flag! Later I found out he was cheating and I left him.
    it is possible to have close friends of the oppisite sex though my bff. Is a Guy but everything is super cool with my fiance. Key is communication not arguing but healthy adult concerns with out attitude it can be a touchy subjuct. Talk to him about the behavior concerning u in. A calm way.
  • When I first got with my husband like five yrs ago. My husband was just my bf at the time. He claims they were jus friends, but she on the other hand likes him. They would talk on myspace, aim, text, I asked her if there was something going on, she said no n that they r jus friends, but then I find naked pics of this bitch in his phone n email. I dont trust no bitch.... Guys n girls cant b just friends... N of course him being a man if some girl wana send him naked pics hes gona accept. But of course I got on his ass. Thats four yrs ago jus a yr ago she friend him on fb lmao. She does not give up. N I ignored her request so she sent him a private message. Home wreckers I cant stand them diryy hoes.
  • Men and women can be just friends, but it has to be the right kind of relationship. For instance, I have a friend I've known since middle school who is a man and I'd never, ever in a hundred years think of having sex with him or sending him naked pictures.
    I'm not sure how the other woman would act to a girlfriend who she knows about. I was the other woman, but I didn't know about my ex's gf. I freaked out on both of them when she came over unexpectedly one day while I was there.
  • i have only guy friends.. (women cause too much drama, ie. pregly??) and when i meet someone new or one of them get's a gf i try to be as nice and welcoming to the girl as possible... try to hang out with her (once in a while), invite them to a barbecue, movies, etc... and alot of the time the girl gets insecure especially if i am single(not anymore). my best friend in the world is a guy... and all of his girlfriends thought we had something more going on because we were roomies, hung out everyday, called eachother all the time, txted but he and are really only friends, and there will never be anything more to us than that... i can truely say he is my brother i call his dad, dad and his step mom shannon and they call me their daughter they never had even his real mom ive never really met calls me her daughter... so maybe she is just a coworker who wants to get to know you... as for your man... i dont know about the not calling txting coming home thing but id talk to him first... no sense work yourself up over something that isn't happening
  • @jalem you just made me feel alot better about my bf and his female friend because I was so insecure and just generally couldnt understand it,but after reading your post I feel more comfortable with the whole situation thanks. I just couldnt understand why they txt and called each other every day
  • @may1mommatobe im glad that i could make you feel better about the situation.. and i know from experiance that it is a hard thing to deal with... even i get insecure sometimes about my bf especially now that im pregnant and i know all of the girls he talks to and hangs out with personally... our hormones make us much more insecure with the weight gain, farts, sweat, and all the "wonderful joys" of pregnancy when really we should feel better about ourself... our bf/husband/so/baby daddy just gave us the most precious gift in the world better than diamonds gold money houses all of those things willnot compare to the love of our children... so dont sweat it... just talk to him and let him know that you arent feeling to hot and want some reassurance... hes a guy not a genius... and even genius' cant read minds.. maybe he doesn't know how you feel...
  • Maybe he wants something and she doesnt? Or they did do something and she feels guilty and he feels distant. I'm sorry and hope you fix this BS before your baby gets here. ):
  • You said he is not calling and texting you or coming home. But do you know if he is talking to her outside of work at all? Do you have a place together? Is it uncommon for him to not come home?
  • @jalem yeah I mean they were friends before me and him met its just I didnt find out how close they were until we moved in togethor (which was when I found out I was preggo) so hormones plus all the other stuff you have named just made it harder and I kinda feel like I have been so pushy about him not talking to her that he has had to hide it wich in return made me more upset abt the whole thing so I have tried to just lighten up and trust and believe him I mean he works and comes home to me every night and he is so happy to be having a son and he always talks about our family I just was being greedy and didnt want any other women in the picture lol :">
  • @may1mommatobe oh mama.. to me it just sounds like he has a good friend that he doesn't want to lose.. alot of people once they get into a relationship lose their friends because either they wanna be with bf or bf doesn't like friends or vise versa ... you have a right as a pregnant woman to be a grumpy gills towards him but no need to fret about him cheating on you... from what you say he loves you and just enjoys hanging out with old friends... maybe you should try to go with them one night because if she is a good friend to him there is probably a reason and who knows you might just get a new best friend!!! :)
  • @jalem I think I might just do that I have always avoided hanging out with them because I thought I might get grumpy but you know what it might ease my mind. I really shouldnt be so selfish but hey what can I say lol
  • @may1mommatobe no you have every right to be selfish plus all the rights of your unborn baby lolz but why stress over something that might not be there... and prolly isn't... and dont worry i've had a bunch of girlfriend's give me the 'stink eye" act rude, be bitchy and it's understandable.. i am encroaching on their territory and they just want to let me know who he really belongs to... like i told someone the other day... if you start to feel insecure make up an excuse for him to touch your belly " oh dear, come feel the baby has hiccups." put his hand on your stomach and smile with all the glow of a pregnant woman and show her how happy he is...
  • @jalem great idea I must just go play bingo with them lol I must again say thank you its good to hear it from the female friends perspective
  • @may1mommatobe glad i could be of assistance ma'am... lolz... hope this eased your mind...
  • Well we been having problems hes been busy trying 2 get some work done for his business trip this week and he has 2 meet w his boss about an hour away.. But my hormones are making me so needy.. And just finding out he has to help this girl made me so insecure specially because i havent seem him.. @ jalem u sound like her tho shes making an effort to meet me get together.. Shes even offer to help me around the house when my babys born.. But i cant help but to think negatively.. Aaaa
  • @brokenwings sorry i took a lil mid day nap... well maybe you should meet with just her and see what she is like for yourself... if you still feel like theres something up then talk to you bd and tell him what you feel... like i said our hormones are driving us crazy and alot of men can't handle the change... they are soooo used to you being one way then BAM!!! youre pregnant and crying that he bought the wrong laundry detergent... it can be trying on a relation ship... so keep your thoughts positive... if you were having problems already maybe he just needs his space... and do you really want to say no to getting help around the house when baby is born???
  • When me and my bf started dating I didn't know he a few femail friends till he told me about it. I was okay with it till one of the girls message him on myspace and I was on his myspace "she's like I don't like to talk to u cuz ur dating this girl I don't think we can b friends". That's when I told my bf if u wanna b with me jus ME then stop talking to ur femail friends. Im really happy that he listens to what I told him to do.
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