Is she really a friend or my bd's other woman?
Well im 7 mos pregnant and my babydad has been acting really weird for a couple of weeks.. Well i came to find out hes been working w sum new girl who he has 2 help as part of the job.. I havent seen my bf in a week dont talk on the phone.. And he hardly texts.. And the last couple times he said he was gonna come home he never did.. I cant help but think he may have sumthing going on w this girl he just met.. I got ahold of her via facebook.. She knows about me and she knows im pregnant.. Seemed really nice wants to meet me get together and go 2 dinner.. She gave me her number so if i have any questions i can just call her.. Ive asked her if anything is going on of course she said no.. She says im lucky and that hes a good guy.. In general she seems very eager to make me feel comfortable of them working so closely and she says she understands.. Is this typical behavior of what the other woman acts??? I dont understand.. My bf is being quite distant i cant help but put 2 and 2 together.. Advice please.. I cant sleep shake cry i cant eat.. This is the worst feeling.. I think the girl is lying.. I think hes lying..
it is possible to have close friends of the oppisite sex though my bff. Is a Guy but everything is super cool with my fiance. Key is communication not arguing but healthy adult concerns with out attitude it can be a touchy subjuct. Talk to him about the behavior concerning u in. A calm way.
I'm not sure how the other woman would act to a girlfriend who she knows about. I was the other woman, but I didn't know about my ex's gf. I freaked out on both of them when she came over unexpectedly one day while I was there.