manicures during pregnancy?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I got my nails done last Friday & found out later that night that I was pregnant.
a bunch of girls at work told me I can't get them done anymore.. is this true? I plan on asking my dr at my appt. but what do yu guys think? Friday was my first time gettn them done & I feel like I'm hookd alrdy. /: lol


  • A manicure or acrylic nails? I'm a pregnant nail tech and I don't see a problem with regular manicures as long as the salon is well ventilated. Sometimes a table has a fan, ask if you can get it pointed where the smell and dust blows away from your face. I know a lot of nail tech that had been pregnant and their kids turn out fine.
  • @jcmommy what if u get acrylic nails ??
  • Yea i am a cosmetologist and trust me a mani is not going to hurt u i was told not to get acrylics when ur pregnant from fumes and germs but that is how i feel some women do n nothing hapens trust me im around chemicals allll day ur gonna be ok!!
  • Girl, I work 5 days a week 9am-7pm. You're in there for no longer then an hour. Walk in the salon and if the smell is too much for you, then walk out. The products are so improved these days that's its not so bad.
  • The only problem would be fumes from chemicals. But they have asks at most salons that u can put over ur face like doctors do. So I dont see a problem as long as ur careful.
  • Although I have never had acrylic nails I stoped getting my hair done because of the chemicals. It just did not seem worth the risk. I can live with out my high lights for 10 months.
  • @jcmommy I'm not sure.. like I said it was my first time. lol
    I got the ones where they put the white tips on & then the powder with liquid...the fumes didn't bother me at all. I figure if I did it once I shoud be fine the next time. I heard dying yur hair is bad, yet I've also heard not enough chemicals "soak" into yur scalp to cause any harm. but I'm more interested about the nails thing. lol
  • Omg guys I'm so scared. I don't take drugs or drink but I am 34weeks n in da end of dec I got a craving...2 sniff acetone. I can't help it da smell is addictive I feel like a drug addict. I googled n tld my doc she juss made a joke n said keep it 2 a minimum. But google sed it can cause developmental delays or other mishaps. I wnt my baby 2 b healthy I won't 4give myself if he isn't. I recently stopped since I went on google but once in a while I take a sniff real qwik. N if I'm away 4 days or its hidden I think about it all da time like its a real drug. Ughh idk wat 2 do I'm stopping tho its only been goin 4 a mnth or so. N 1 day I was stressed n inhaled a lot.
  • It's the acrylic. Sounds like you're in a well ventilated salon. You can tell them you're pregnant and ask for a mask to wear. Go during a slow time. Like a Tuesday afternoon, where there isn't too many people getting it done.
  • Ok @bugzbunz, that's really dangerous. To your brain and babys development.
  • @jcmommy I know...that's why I'm so scared. But I'm hoping since it wasn't goin on the whole pregnancy n it wasn't a lot (except dat 1 day) that he will be fine.
  • I am 22wks along and I been getting my nails done since I was 18. The acrylic has not affected me or my baby. My nail tech is pregnant as well, we are both due the same day.
  • thanks guys! I appreciate the info & support! (:
  • im 23 weeks pregnant and i recently went to get my hair and nails done (my roots were frustrating me) but before i asked my doctor and she said as long as the smell doesnt bother me it doesnt do any harm to the baby and if it it starts bugging me just to wear a mask i was fine after almost 3 hours
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