boy or girl

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Can't wait 2 c what I'm having!!!


  • same here!! ive takn so manyy gender quizzes tht its a shame! ive heard soooo many old wives tales tht im feeln tht im hav a boy todayy, then tomaro thnkn im def hvn a girl. im 13w2days. u/s to see gender is at 18wks.. so far away :/ sooo readyy to knw! eager to shop
  • I'm 12 weeks and 5 days.
    I have a feeling I'm having a boy.
    But everyone swears it's a girl.
  • I'm having a grl but I'm 27 weeks
  • Im 16weeks 6days I will kno soon.... can't wait
  • Im rite there with u so eager to know even took intelligender. My doct actually let me sched a sono fr next fri n il b 16 weeks he said I mite b able to find out then... Fingers crossed
  • Im 15 weeks and 4 days and I can't wait to find out what im having! I have no preferences boy or girl I just wanna know!
  • I know its a boy I'm only 10w5d but I jus know. Can't explain it
  • LOL... should no Monday....
  • We having a baby boy :)
  • GIRL x3 =]
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