house readiness

edited February 2011 in September 2011
So today I calculated how many months until B.O.W. arrives & I freaked out a little when I realized we'll Have a baby in the house in 7 months. How r we all going 2 b ready in time?! We still have tack strips in the living room from a minor flood yrs ago.


  • Don't stress too much. You still have lots of time. Even after baby gets here it wont be moving much for months! :) Just laying in your arms and hanging out a lot.
  • Baby proofing only ends when they stop being babies. I still find a new thing to put away everyday and she hasn't even figured out the kitchen cabinets yet bc they don't have handles!
  • Take a day or two and ask friends and family come over and help you with things that have to be done before the baby comes. Make it fun, like a spring cleaning party, do veggie trays and smoothies and blast the music.
  • No worries. You will have plenty of time. Just make a honey do list for you man to accomplish!
  • I have a nursery to prepare ..:whoow can't wait
  • Ill be starting my nursery in aug to sept... And im due mid october!
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