***Gestational Diabetes--testing***

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So tomorrow I go in for my doctors appointment, I have to do the diabetes test. I am SO nervous! I am a plus size preggo (sz 16) but very healthy as I do eat well and lost quite a lot of weight before pregnancy. I am 27 weeks tomorrow. Does anyone have any stories about this testing? What happens? What IF I have it? Are there any signs I could have watched out for prior to taking the test tomorrow?


  • are you doing the one hour test or the three hour test?
  • When I was pregnant with my 5 year old daughter I went in to do that test. It wasn't so bad. But then I found out that I failed it. So I had to do the second one which was absolutely horrible. The drink is 20 times stronger and I had to lay down so I didn't throw up. That test came back fine. I was happy but at the same time irritated lol.
  • Umm I have no clue, doctor just said its the normal test to make sure i don't have it or whatever.not sure which one it will be? I had no idea they were that long though!
  • @mommyofone is it a drink? I have no idea what the test is like lol my doctors don't explain anything because their army doctors lol
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  • @jenn_929 thanks!! :) lord I hope I don't...I'm scared to death of it :( I guess because of needles and stuff. And bloodwork? Ugh..seems like there's lots of that when pregnant! You'd think they'd have enough of my blood by now!
  • U drink a drink that tasted like flat orange soda then sit for an hour and then they take blood. With my son I was fine but this time around it made me feel strange as evertthing does lol but its not so bad
  • Yeah it's like a thick strong orange soda. Kind of like syrup. You have to drink it all in 5 minutes I believe. Then you wait an hour and theyll take some blood then you're done :)
  • @jenn_929 yep me too! I freakin hate getting my blood drawn! It doesn't freak me out or anything just annoing because it usually bruises the $hit out of my arm because I have tiny veins so they have to jab me lol
  • Soooo you get the results the same day as the test right?? I won't have to wait weeks or anything?
  • What happens is you drink that glucola drink (it's like drinking pure soda syrup...yuck!) Within about 5 minutes, after about an hour they draw your blood and that's that. Make sure you don't eat or drink (water is okay) about 8 hours prior to the test, it's best to fast overnight so that the test doesn't come back bad or abnormal cuz then you'll have to do the 3 hour test where they take 4 viles of blood and it made me extremely sick.

    I was diagnosed with GD this pregnancy, and basically it's controlled with diet and Glyburide which helps control my pancreas and insulin. It's not so bad except I have to check my blood sugars by pricking my fingers 4 times a day and watching my sugar/carbs intake. Sugar isn't so hard to limit but the carbs...oh the carbs! :(
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  • I am a phlebotomist, they do that test. You drink a drink called glusoda, it contains a lot of sugar, you have to drink it in five min and keep it down. Then they wait an hour and draw your blood, they will draw you several times to see how your body breaks down sugar. If you do have it, don't worry. Jusy eat right and everything will be fine :)
  • @thetrondsons1st thank you! Ya I've made a commitment to myself to eat healthy anyway, I got a little off track there for a bit but its important to me not to pack on the pounds. I'm 27 weeks and have already gained 18lbs so I'm trying to watch it.
  • @bke913 do you have to inject insulin into your tummy? Or is that mainly for more severe cases?
  • Nope, no insulin shots, just basically watch my sugar and carb intake, eat lots of protein and take that pill after breakfast every day. I was scared to death of having to give myself shots, but I've been lucky enough to manage everything by diet and that pill. Yay!
  • I'm having mine done on April 1st. Anyone know how I can pass it the first time? 3 pregnancies before I always fail the 1hr one then end up passing the 3hr.
    I figure I should just drink water nonstop flush my system.
  • Sooo since my appointment is @ 315pm, how would I "fast" ill be ready to chew off my own arm by then if I don't eat! Ill drink plenty of water as I normally do, but what about eating?
  • Its not that bad.....my drink tasted like flat sprite. And I am plus size too and everything was fine:)
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  • I was very nervous too. I ate a normal breakfast before and even a sprite in the car. I passed and everything is fine. Good luck. Don't be nervous. It wasn't as bad as i thought.
  • Thanks ladies :) I feel much better!
  • My doc is great and gives you the stuff to drink at the appt before then you don't have to sit for an hour at the office waiting. I try to schedule my appt as early in the day as possible so I don't have to starve all day.
  • I did the 1 hour glucose screening test last month & will have to again this month. It came back fine last time but isn't fun. I was able to drink the glucose drink 30 mins before I got to the lab & they drew my blood when the clock hit 1 hour from when I drank it. They said just not to have something sweet for bfast on the day of the test :)
  • The first test is the 1hr. The drink is 50mg of glucose and usually only comes in orange. I'm a military spouse as well and they tell you @ the lab here to come straight back after u drink it and its been an hour. If there is any concern after that test, you'll have to take the 3hr, which means you drink 100mg glucose drinkm and it is disgusting! Then you have your blood drawn every hour on the hour for 3 hrs. I have GD and was unable to get it under control with diet alone. There is a pill that they can put you on to try if diet doesn't work, but because I am allergic to sulfa, I was unable to take it. I was started on insulin last week and I'm not gonna lie to you, it sucks. I had a tumor on my pancreas (which is the organ that produces insulin for your body) and the doctors think that could have something to do with why I got GD, but can't be sure. I don't know how much weight has to do with being a pre-cursor to GD. I was only 120lbs and a size 5 before I got pregnant. A lot of it has to do with family history.
  • I didn't have to fast before my 1 hr but did for my 3 hr. Every doctor and lab is different when it comes to that aspect of it.
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