another negative. :-(

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
I just took a test and it said negative. Af due today. And I don't know what to think. My boobs hurt, I'm tired, having headaches. And sometimes feeling naususe. But as far as that goes, my other to didn't make me sick at all.and I have been having some pelvic pain. Not quiet like menstral crams. More like stabbing pain. Does anyone have advice?


  • I had to wait almost 2 wks after af was due to get my positive so if af doesn't show don't give up totally
    gl and am sending baby dust your way
  • Keep trying!! Don't give up! They say that if you think about pregnancy too much you could start having symptoms. Did you take an early result test?
  • Yea wen I stopped thinking about trying I was 10 days late lol I got 2 neg test one before I went to the drs (7days late) and one after (10 days late). But the drs was pos and I was 5.5 Weeks lol. Home pregna ncy test doesnt work for some cases
  • @beautifulOne I took an ept. They supose to work 4 days before af. One on the 18 and one this morning. Both negative.
    I guess I have to be paitent. :-( I just don't want to d anything to hurt possible baby.
  • Oh ok. Well try waiting to see if af does come. If not, take another test. I'll keep my fingers crossed! :-D
  • Ok thanks.
  • Doctors is the best way to go you could be a good month already like i was..i tried all of them ept first response nothing DOCTORS
  • I tried taking the early test just 3 days before and it said negative, i took it again the day i was due to get it and it came out positive - a few days or weeks do make a difference on the home tests..i would call to get a blood test. good luck!
  • Ok. I will call and make an appointment. I would be so happy if I was. Everytime I watch my shows I get all excited. I can't explain it. Lol. I love being pregnant. I have been really tired, some headaches, I have been peeing a lot more lately. And I have been gasy the last day or so. I know its early but this possibly being my 3rd I'm hoping I'm just aware and not crazy. Lol.
  • Wait a couple days and test again... you can certainly get a false negative that early! Good luck!

    ...I wish pregnancy symptoms weren't so similar to af symptoms lol
  • I will try another test this weekend, as long as af doesn't come. Then, if I get another negative and no af do you think I should make the appointment? My other 2 I got pregnant first try. This one wasn't trying at all. But want it. I am just anxious to find out.
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