


  • I do that too. Get some breathe right nose strips, they help tonnes
  • Omg I have the opposite problem. I want to smother my husband because he keeps me awake with his snoring!
  • I just started into my second trimester and i am snoring to! I have always been a heavy breather but never a snorer...and my hubby says its so loud it keeps him up lol
  • Ugh! Yes, I have been snoring terribly for 2 months now, waking up with sore dry throat. Bought breathe right strips but they are so uncomfortable! My poor hubby! My midwife told me it was because all the blood flow increases in your face and sinuses before delivery causing blocked passageways, but should go away shortly after delivery.
  • For those that suffer from spousal snoring wax earplugs do wonders
  • Good to know that i'm not just alone here, this thing is just soo funny! I am not a snorer since before. My poor husband have to sleep in the living room from today coz he should wake up early by this month due to his work. What sleeping position or techniques can you recommend to lessen the sound?
  • Prop yourself upon a couple extra pillows, sometimes it helps to keep your head elevated
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