omg...I hate my nutritionist (vent)
So today I had an appt to see the nutritionist at my doctors office. This little skeletor frail old lady who looks malnutritioned herself told me I am gaining wait far to rapidly and am heading for big trouble. Wtf?!?!?! I am 21 weeks and have gained 9 lbs., exrcise 5 days a week, and eat so healthy its sickening. She said I need to change something. What should I do then lady? Starve myself? She said at this rate I may be up 30lbs. by the time I deliver. And if I am so effing what!!! Since I am OBESE according to their charts I can only gain 15 lbs. I am 5'9 and I am just a big boned person, I have a large frame and am dense. I don't think I am obese, nor do my friends or fam, but whatever anywho back to the rant lol. My weight has fluxuated (spell check?) over the period of my pregnancy not to mention I have the worst constipation ever (tmi, sorry ladies) so I am sure not being regular can add a bit of weight, but when I said that she looked like I was an idiot. So I just said ok, well you're the professional so you know everybodies body best, I'll just remain quiet now. Ughhh I am o er that lady. I am going to cancel all future appts with her up to my delivery lol.
o feel bad for u girlies cuz that would suck watching what u eat while pregnant specially with cravings and stuff like that
perhaps the way the nutritionist/doctor/midwife delivered this information wasn't good but I will say it comes from years of research, experience, and good intentions for both the health and safety of you and the beautiful little persn inside of you. I am 18 wks pregnant and also a Registered Dietitian. These recommendations are good ones and I urge you to not tasker it personally and do your best to continue to eat healthy and exercise so you can minimize your risk for complications and have a healthy baby. I hope you aren't offended by my cimment, I just wanted to provide some reasoning and facts behind ther recommendations. Wishing you alll the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy.
I also think that BMI is crap because my husband is 6 feet tall and super super super skinny. He recently started getting more muscular (I've been working him out since we got together ). Before he was in the normal weight zone. I'm sure that gaining muscle mass has changed it somewhat tho.