omg...I hate my nutritionist (vent)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So today I had an appt to see the nutritionist at my doctors office. This little skeletor frail old lady who looks malnutritioned herself told me I am gaining wait far to rapidly and am heading for big trouble. Wtf?!?!?! I am 21 weeks and have gained 9 lbs., exrcise 5 days a week, and eat so healthy its sickening. She said I need to change something. What should I do then lady? Starve myself? She said at this rate I may be up 30lbs. by the time I deliver. And if I am so effing what!!! Since I am OBESE according to their charts I can only gain 15 lbs. I am 5'9 and I am just a big boned person, I have a large frame and am dense. I don't think I am obese, nor do my friends or fam, but whatever anywho back to the rant lol. My weight has fluxuated (spell check?) over the period of my pregnancy not to mention I have the worst constipation ever (tmi, sorry ladies) so I am sure not being regular can add a bit of weight, but when I said that she looked like I was an idiot. So I just said ok, well you're the professional so you know everybodies body best, I'll just remain quiet now. Ughhh I am o er that lady. I am going to cancel all future appts with her up to my delivery lol.


  • Im sorry aren't most prego ladies suppose to/expected to gain 30 lbsby the time they deliver??
  • According to the BMI chart, I'm nearly obese. I put a picture of my baby bump on Facebook and everyone is telling me I look tiny! I was a size 13 before pregnancy and I'm thick and muscular, childbearing hips and a booty that makes black girls jealous. I don't think that BMI charts take bone and muscle density into consideration. Or the fact that you may be retaining water or poo.
  • well I'm obese in there charts too and I saw a nutritionist just before I got pregnant and she said I need to only eat 45 carbs per meal, 15 carbs for snack and 2400 calories per day its so freaking hard I've gained 2 lbs and I am 14 weeks I can't stand it I feel so hungry I never hit 2400 calories but I do hit my carbs aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I know how u feel and that damn Appointment was expensive
  • @misskeribabee 30 pounds by the time you deliver only equals 3 pounds a month which to me is just fine! I would hate to hear what she would have to say during my first pregnancy when I put on 65 pounds!! What a freaking hag.
  • Oh I honestly don't care about charts lol
    o feel bad for u girlies cuz that would suck watching what u eat while pregnant specially with cravings and stuff like that
  • Hell yea once and a while I will have a treat and I say screw that dumb lady she's fat too besides I'm on metformin for diabetes even though I don't have it I have Polly cystic ovarian syndrome but the meds help control sugar but I feel so guilty whenever I do
  • Omg I can't believe she would say that! I wouldn't go back to her...i gained 80 lbs (which is not good) but even then the docs did not even say one word about it...needless to say I am really trying to keep my weight gain down this time since I am also considered obese :(
  • Damn.. I'm 5'5, 165.. size 13. As victoriab described, minus a little bit of that booty. I'm considered overweight. But I haven't gained anything yet at almost 18wks.
  • Don't pay her no mind, your weight is right on. I've gained 37 lbs. So far & I'm 34 weeks. It's not my fault I'm gaining weight.I don't eat sweets anymore cause my baby hates them now & I eat 3 times a day. Mind you small meals (i get full fast & waste food). My second midwife is fat as hell & she got mad cause I gained 10lbs. & told me to slow down & cut bk on food. She asked me what do I eat & I came bk and replied the same shit you eat "food." In my first trimester I couldnt gain any weight & she complained then.
  • Just slap the old lady lol Just because she has a piece of paper saying shes a "nutritionist" doesnt mean that all those text books she read in her online schooling is really whats best for you and your baby! I am going through the same crap and its frustrating. I have gained 17lbs and I am 27 dont feel bad at all.
  • I weighed 154 when i got pregnant with this one and now weigh 174 at 31 weeks. I was told i need to gain 5-10 more pounds the rest of my pregnancy. I swear some nutritionist don't know what they are talking about. 30 pounds is normal for a woman to gain during pregnancy according to my doctor.
  • My first visit with her was so pleasent, all of a sudden I put on some weight cuz I am freaking 5 months pregnant and that is what is supposed to happen and she wants to talk to me like I'm on the biggest loser show!! Ugh that lady is a mess. Thanks for all your support and comments ladies, I feel better now :)
  • You're welcome! As my mom say f&%k her! LOL
  • I got e same remarks fr my doc, i gained 8.5 lbs at my 20 week checkup... :( he said i have to hit 20 lbs till e end. Omg im pissed too but its for our own good though.
  • I can understand your frustration with your nutritionist. I will tell you, it is recommendec that if you are overweight (this is based on BMI not ideal body weight, BMI 25-29.9) that you should limit your weight gain to 15-25lbs during your pregnancy. If you are at a healthy BMI (18.5-24.9) then it is recommended to keep your weight gain to 25-35 lbs during your preg. If you are underweight (BMI <18.5) it is recommended to gain 28-30 lbs. There are many reasons for these recs such as making sure the baby is properly nourished for growth and development but also to minimize your risk for gestational diabetes and high blood pressure which can both be very dangerous to mother and baby. Additionaly, gaining too much can cause difficulty and complications during delivery. Pregnancy is not a time to lose wt but it also isn't the time to gain too much wt. Aside from the issues above, gaining too much wt during preg will make it more diificult to lose the wt afterwards which put you at higher risk for long term health problems.
    perhaps the way the nutritionist/doctor/midwife delivered this information wasn't good but I will say it comes from years of research, experience, and good intentions for both the health and safety of you and the beautiful little persn inside of you. I am 18 wks pregnant and also a Registered Dietitian. These recommendations are good ones and I urge you to not tasker it personally and do your best to continue to eat healthy and exercise so you can minimize your risk for complications and have a healthy baby. I hope you aren't offended by my cimment, I just wanted to provide some reasoning and facts behind ther recommendations. Wishing you alll the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy.
  • No offence here
  • edited March 2011
    Oh, and what really confuses me is that even though my BMI is high, my doctor said I'm fine and I can safely gain 30 pounds. She actually said, "well, you're not a really big girl, so you can gain up to 30 pounds and I wont be worried." She's the first doctor I've had that hasn't complained about my weight. I almost kissed her!

    I also think that BMI is crap because my husband is 6 feet tall and super super super skinny. He recently started getting more muscular (I've been working him out since we got together ;) ). Before he was in the normal weight zone. I'm sure that gaining muscle mass has changed it somewhat tho.
  • Those charts are just estimates.and muscle weighs more than fat so if your a stronger girl your chances to be "obese" on the charts.I'm 5 foot and was 100 pounds before my pregnancy almost my whole life.I was considered overweight when I was in middle school when I was super fit and toned but recently I'm normal/almost under weight but I'm a lot fatter!lost all my muscle and have super jiggly non muscular thighs -.- so don't go by those charts.I'm sure we all know our bodies better than any chart
  • Last pregnancy I only gained 15lbs in the first 7 mo and gained 40 more lbs in the last two months. The only thing I changed was I quit a retail job. But I was retaining a lot of water. My puffy face and hands disappeared like a wk after I delivered. Nothing ever got said about my sudden weight gain bc the baby was fine and I only had a spike in blood pressure that lasted less than 5 days(had a home bp cuff). This time I am still working, am 30 wks and have gained about 10lbs. This weight gain is harder to tell bc I had only lost half the weight from my first bc I got pregnant again when she was 4 months old. I have had a different dr with each baby bc I moved and neither said one thing about weight. And I have never seen a nutritionist or even been advised to
  • @bevosnow, no offense taken hun :) I completely understand everything you said about conyrolling the weight gain for health reasons, but I am in perfect health (I had a physical done before I found out I was prego). I lost almost 60lbs. before I got pregnant I am also a runner, I run 5 miles a day, even being pregnant. I was probably just being sensitive cuz honestly I'm over it now lol. Damn horomones..
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