my husband doeant get it....

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
My husband thinks that my pregnancy and his working is a contest between who hurts more....
-Swollen Feet
-Backache extra.

Its so irritating. All I want is for him to be a little understanding! Not to compare who hurts more...

Anyone else have this problem?


  • Men LOL. I'm sorry that sucks. :( there have been plenty of rimes I want to slap my husband as well. Though it probably wouldn't change anything.
  • I am in the EXACT same boat! My bf got into a car accident and messed up his neck and spine so whenever I ask him to massage my back or my feet he says "I'm in pain too. You never give me massages." So I just gave up on asking. :(
  • Lol their is this body suit that where the man can experience what it is like to be pregnant i think all men should be obligated to wear it that was they are more understanding to us !!!!!
  • My fiance knows better for all that haha. I did have that with my exhubby though...he was terrible! He blamed me for gaining weight, he gained 35lbs and I gained he was literally pissed lol. My fiance is completely wonderful though. He offers me foot rubs, and backrubs just cause. Its such a change...and such a relief!! I make sure he knows I appreciate everything he is.
  • My hubbys the same and it doesn't stop after babies born either. For some reason he thinks all I do is sit here and watch tv and sleep all day. On a daily bases I take care of a 1 and 2 year old, take care of 3 dogs and a cat, run our business, work around the house, take care of him( he always has a hot dinner and I pack his lunch, cut his hair, clip his toenails ect....) and then when I have time I take care of me and my 32 weeks prgo belly. I told him one time its what you don't see that said I did my job. If you don't see dirty dishes, dirty laundry, dirty floors ect... I am working. My 2 year old knows all her numbers and letters and can even read some words, so I do work probably harder than he does, and I'm pregnant to boot! Sorry guess I had to vent!
  • Yup! My husband thinks pregnancy is just another excuse for females to complain. This is our third baby and hes starting to understand. Hes getting some symptoms, headaches, heartburn, bloating, nausea. Im just laughing.
  • @ammasmama I would definitely never clip his toenails ...ever.. ur man is spoiled lol I do not touch any mans feet n my bf wnt even ask me too cause he knows its pointless. I think since u do so much he needs to spoil uu since ur carrying his unborn child. When he asks u to do somethin like that b like nahh im just gonna lay here n watch tv maybe take a nap n sooner or later he will see how much u do :)
  • Ugh I'm in the same boat also. He doesn't think being pregnant is hard...he says he has it much harder working 9hrs 5days a weeks sitting at a desk..& I'm like really! I'm carrying another person inside me! They're such a-holes!
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  • i know what you mean mine is the same.. ugh.. he says he doesnt know or cae to know. i jst want o give him a kick to his liver lol.. so now when he complaines i say i hav no sympathy for you... no i wont rub your back go cry to someone who cares.. from my experience men complne more than we do ... so wen we do all the sudden we are the babys.. men just dont get it
  • All men will NEVER ...I repeat never "get it" they have to go through our raging hormones and bitchyness. That's what they go through. I mean even if they got preggo a c-section would be performed not natural pain. I'm not saying I don't want to go through this. I hate certain things but the experience will be worth it. My man just went through surgery (tonsils, adnoids, deviated septum and removal of the soft pallet and uvula.) Good times worst part was I had morning sickness and felt like shit. Now he is healed and I hot like 7 more months of this. Mind you, this is his second in ten years tho. It's just stressful, we aren't trying to be starved for attention or selfish. In fact how can you be selfish when I human is inside you already demanding things? That's my question. Any answers.
  • MMy husband does that too. He works 7 shifts a week but I still work 3-4 and im 31 wks. He complains about his back hurting after carrying our 1 yr old for a few min. OMG I carry this one on the way all the time obviously. Baby and fluids make up like 12 lbs. Our daughter only weight 20lbs
  • @ newbie_mum your right he is spoiled. I told him you think building a garage is a lot of work, try building a baby. It 24/7 and so is taking care of the babies once they are here. I never wake him up to help, I figure he needs his sleep for work. I just wish he'd read or see some of the symptoms of pregnancy and understand. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to do it when I come home with baby. The bedrooms are upstairs and I have a 1 yr old that doesn't do stairs yet. So I would have to make 2 trips everytime for her and baby, and your not suppose to do stairs the first 2 weeks! I think I need a nanny! Lol
  • Reading all this makes me so grateful for my husband! I read some of your posts out loud to him, and he says they should be ashamed of themselves! My man does everything for us, and doesn't even need to be asked. We are so blessed! I hope it gets better for you!
  • Yeah going through the same thing. Him asking how I am feeling is an introduction to tell me what is wrong with him. Spends most of the time talking about himself. I'm the one doing all of the work, all he did was squirt! Dang, can I get a little attention?
  • Ugh my fiance has always done it even b4 pregnant, and yu wld think he's more understanding and try to soothe me but instead he starts complaining of everything dats wrong with him I dnt even complain anymore and just pretend to listen when he does!
    He's more dramatic then I am! :-@
  • for sure our men need a swift kick to the booty.. i also have stairs an a one year old.. and about not soing stairs for the first two weeks ive only herd of that if you have a csec.. i did um right away ... not as quickly as before lol.. but i did um...
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