Really Loud Concert

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 18 weeks. This past weekend I went to see a Dj I love ... pretty much a concert.. before I went I did ask my nurse if it were ok and she gave me clearance but I still worry sometimes that I might have hurt my mini me =\ the bass was loud and strong (of course).. anyway, has anyone been to a concert while pregnant? My next Drs appt isn't til 4/5/11 and I don't want to keep bugging my Dr/nurse w the same question!


  • I'm going to a heavy metal concert. I asked about this same topic a while ago and everyone says its fine. Baby's ears are protected by amniotic fluid.
  • I went to a Korn concert with my hubby while I was about 8-10 weeks with my first & she is almost 3 & just fine. Your baby does have a lot of protection in there. I just wouldn't make a habit of doing it all the time, lol...
  • Omg ladies thank you so much for giving me relatable experiences!! I love Korn btw! Haha ok well I hope the banging bass doesnt do anything to my Jr.. but yes I'm sure all the noise was muffled bc like u guys said... the baby is protected..:) thanks again!!
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