pains keeping me up tonight

edited March 2011 in First time moms
Tonight my hips lower back and knees are just achy and are keeping me from going to sleep. Between this and the upper respiratory infection. I have going on I just want to sit and Bawl!


  • Feel better soon hon. Try to just relax...maybe play some calming music or read until you doze off.
  • Thank you just trying to relax and not keep my husband up cause he has to be up in and hour and forty five minutes to get ready for work :(
  • I Hear ya sweetie. My legs hurt so bad at night
  • I would recommend taking a hot shower for your hip and back (it helps me out every night) and maybe bengay for your knees. It stinks but it also works wonders on sore joints. I hope you feel better :)
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