Any bmore mommies due sept?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
From bmore expecting my first after 2 mc... So far everything is great n just cnt wait to b a mommy.


  • I'm From baltimore county. due sept 9
  • Me too due sept 6 :)
  • I live in pa now but basically on the pa/md line, by ski liberty
  • Crazy... Nt to far from me at all. this ur first?
  • This Is my third :)
  • Aww well congrats
  • Did u find out the gender of ur first two? Im going fr a sono friday il b 16 weeks 3 days doct said I mite b able to find out the gender then.. Really hope so I no my best friend didnt find out til 19 weeks
  • I Found out at 20 weeks with my first and 14 weeks with my second, both girls. Idk what this one is yet, I'm thinking boy.
  • Im septemeber 12th!
  • Awww congrats is this ur first?
  • I Went to the dr today. He said hes pretty sure its a boy. Which is good, I have 2 girls. :)
  • congrats I know ur happy. Ne names picked out yet?
  • I have NO idea. Girls names are easy, my husband and I are stumped on names for a boy though
  • Im in tat same boat we actually already picked out a girls name we both love bt when It comes to boys name we cant agree
  • I Love broderick (brody) but he doesn't like it. I think I should name this one since he named the last one! So what town are you located in? Or county if your feel more comfortable telling me that!
  • I love that name. mine wants to have a jounior n im just nt completly fr tat bt feel bad tellin him no so really hoping for a girl so we dnt even have to cross tat road. I grew up in a small town called arbutus then moved to lansdown n now we just bought a house two years ago rite over baltimore city line
  • September 24 n can't wait I stay n St.Louis
  • I have a friend that lives in arbutus!! I used to work in elliott city- off of rt 40! Small world! And byyyy the way, hubbys letting me name the baby if its a boy, and if its another girl he wants to name her either marlo or margo! So we have our names!
  • Baltimore County here! Due Sept. 27th.
  • edited March 2011
    I am from Albuquerque, NM...This is my 3rd...I have 2 girls...hoping for a Boy!!! I am due 9/18...can't excited!! :X :X
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