baby gender chart

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
many people i know say the chinese gender chart has worked for them.. if mines is right than ill be having a babygirl :X
heres the site if anyone wants to try it


  • It was right with me.
  • I have 4 girls...two were right and two were wrong.
  • worked for my first but was wrong with this one.. said boy & she is most Def a baby girl :X
  • aww really, i really have my hopes high.. i hope its right with me :/
  • I hope its WRONG!! It says boy..i did two other home wives tale..both said girl..i dont have the gut feeling like my son..i knew it was a boy but this one...I keep going back and forth!
  • edited March 2011
    I actually did the chinese gender chart and the intelligender test and they were both right for me.. Im having a girl :X
  • It was right!! I'm having a girl!
  • Wrong I am on my 3 rd and it has been wrong everytime
  • so for all who it was wrong for did u make sure to calculate your Chinese age and your Chinese month of conception? Because at first I thought it said boy but then I did the calculations and now they all say girl I hope its right
  • It was right...I'm having a boy.
  • Well for being 21 would mean conceiving in jan its the only boy for being 21
  • Well they have calculation steps u have to do before u check sometimes u get so exited to see the chart u forget or don't see the first part
  • Mine says I'm having a girl..we'll see at my next visit ;)
  • Mine was right for my last pregnancy, but wrong for both of my friends.
  • I've noticed each site has different formulas. So I think it all depends on which one you look at.
  • A better one is that will calculated it all first then let u know
  • Thaen you can use those fir all the other sites. ;)
  • My aunt used it to plan what to have and both times it worked. My mom believes it and already started buying me pink stuff lol I'm only twelve weeks
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  • Mine was wrong :/ im having a boy, and it said i was having a girl lol
  • Mine was wrong for my first and my second (current) it said boy both times, im a mommy of a 14 month old girl and 29 weeks pregnant with clearly and proven 100% baby girl! :)
  • Mine was wrong the first time! And hope its wrong again lol
  • LOL well I'm still hoping its right I hate not knowing I have to wait til the 4th and I know its not too far off but I feels like forever
  • It was right for me its a girl
  • I did the intelligender test and the Chinese gender chart, both says a girl.....went for an ultrasound and the legs were crossed:( I'm hoping for a girl, since I already have my boy:)
  • I just tried it, it says she's a girl. I hope it's right. I didn't try it with my first two pregnancies. I have two boys!
  • Mine says boy. I hope it's right!!!
  • Some go off of ur age as older. They count from bein in womb. So id be 22 if I went by that. I forget what they characterize the age by.
  • I just did it for my two older children and it was right. I have a 4 yr old daughter and 2 yr old son. If its right for this baby it will be a boy!
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