Sex while prego. And feeling like crap

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok.. I will try to make this short is there any woman out there that there partner does not even try to be intimate with since u are showing.. I mean I even found empty travel packs of lotion in the damn shower whats worse is I know he is doing it to porn and not some unprego pics. Of me.. Then to top it all of I saw a photo of his u know what in his phone and it was never sent to me o=> we are always toghter but I just told him it was not normal and believe there is more to it so now he is home..


  • wow sorry your going through that sounds like ur man is cheating or is about too . Im the opposite I havent been feeling all that sexually attracted to my fiance since my stomack got big . I do get horny but when we start I wanna stop and I have been kinda dealing with it but i miss the good old days .
  • Oh I am soo sorry I did not even say hi I am new to this whole forem
  • Im not 100% sure he is cheating..he could be just masterbating in the shower since hes not getting any..i hated sex in my first trimester so my husband did other things to entertain himself.. i think the pic on the phone is him just exploring by being childish and its gross.. maybe chk his messages on the phone.. are there any numbers u dont recognize..
  • yea he said he just gets nervous cause I am prego.. But I would most likely not even want to but it worries me he makes no effort. Since I have been prego no absoulty no comments of being pretty.. And I am not a person who loves being prego love the baby but could skip the nine month part lol
  • @ kritten he always locks his phone.. And we have android phones and if u look at anything he can always tell.. Thanks to all the apps out there. But I feel like there are other things we can do.. I just dont know he will stay for like two to three weeks at a time.. Go home for tops three nights and back but something just keeps upsetting me..
  • Girl im telling you if his phone is always on lock and he had that picture he sent it. He may not be cheating but hes doing something he shouldn't be, ive been there with previous boyfriends. Im 21 weeks and always in the mood I feel sexier now than before I got pregnant. But at first I just looked fatter so I stepped up the oral sex until I felt better about myself. Dont ignore your gut feeling.
  • Something is going on..guys don't lock their phones for no reason. & takin a pic of his dingaling, I'm pretty sure he had a reason for that. I say talk to him..ask him why he took the picture of his privates. If he gets defensive or upset that you were in his phone..then he's hiding something & you need to get to the bottom of it. Good luck, & I hope everything between yall works out ;)
  • @ chelsanstine thanks for the advice.. Its feels good to have the Input and I would step up oral.. But now all I think about is if he is cheating.. It sucks but ohh well such as life I just wanted to have a good pregancy.. And he thinks cause he is always here that is enough.. For me its not he will sit on his phone on a seprate loveseat for hours! Then just come the bedroom like two am and go to bed. Wake up and its the same as the day before and now he will spend like half an hour in the bathroom and I find empty lotion packs in there its bs!
  • @ clope18 I said something to him and he said about the sex it makes him nervous.. Ok fine with that and the photo he said he saw nothing wrong with it.. Mind up I told him how I was feeling but just blurted it all out. We have not talked since yestetday got a bs text at three am saying goodnight I love you yea ok have not responded still too angry cause he can never admitt wrongs
  • No problem I know how you feel I've been there. As much as you love him its not worth being worried and unhappy. My last boyfriend cheated on me 7 times in 3 years it took me that long to say- WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!- and leave him. Now I'm with my prince charming. I would call him out on the lotion you found and just ask him straight up, don't give him the chance to lie, look at him and just say you know what's going on and your giving him the chance to be honest before it goes to far. Hell be so paranoid he's backed into a corner you will find out something. Just be prepared for whatever comes out.
  • Yea.. Thanks
  • Girl, yes! Ever since the word 'pregnant' came out of my mouth I haven't been getting any. Even when I make it obvious that I want to have sex...idk what his problem is. I don't think, and I certainly hope that my bf isn't going to such lengths as yours toget that fix.
    Guys being shady about their phones always sends a bad vibe to me. Maybe it's because of my personal experience with my ex but he shouldn't have to lock his phone around his pregnant girlfriend if there isn't anything to hide. Jacking off to porn is one thing (no I'm personally not ok with that) but taking a pic of his dick for 'no reason' just doesn't add up you know. Keep a close eye on when he uses his phone, when its on silent, and if you can get your hands on his go through his web history, calls, texts.
    Idk, maybe you should just confront him and see what happens, if he says nothings going on but you still feel that there is, put it on the back burner til baby comes.
  • Ugh I hate that about men! They always think they're right & even if they're wrong they don't admit it -_- maybe you should talk to him & tell him how you feel the next time you see him.
  • I had a bf that would always be on the phone and also lock it but I was a pro on finding out locks and combinations so yeah I checked his messages and web history and found a lot of flirting sites where he exchanged numbers with girls and swaped 'sexy' pics with them. I dont think they ever met in person but that was enough to leave his a**
  • Just hang in there he will turn a guy just do your thing and not worry about it don't stress over it he will be the losing out keep your head up.....
  • Well I do have a two year old.. And lock mine as well but I know my reasons crazy part is he called all excited cause he got new crib, changing table, car seat and wants me to look ay a house he may get so I think I will be unself
    ish and express my happiness try to surprise him w some oral lol he
    Is here lol
  • i just want to say you should be happy to know that hes taking care of him self and not some one else cuz its better to know that they do that b4 anything else, and the phone thing is bs my hubbie used to lock his and i strait out asked him why do you lock your phone what are you hiding and sence then if he does lock his phone i have the pasword so i can get on it need be same with myn but unless theres a real good reason like he doesnt want guys at work looking at his phone theres no reasson to lock and if hes not hidding anything it shouldnt be a problem if you look at it
  • @wiseccourt thanks for the advice.
  • But what would u say is a good guess to have his manhood in his phone thats the part I question.. And was not sent to me bit its all weird cause never any calls.. And nine times out of ten w me so I dont know all I know is I dont like feeling insucure as I do being preggo
  • He might of just taken it to see what it looks like or to send as a joke to his guy friends guys r weird like that my hubbie when I first met hime him and his brother use to do things like that so weird but id just ask cuz. Ya never know, oh I'm right there on th feeling insucure I've allway been indepentent but now I'm all prego and can't stand when I don't know what he's doing or where he's at I start to think he's off cheating on me but he's not just prego prain playen tricks on me it sucks
  • @wiseccourt thanks its good to know that. Last night was a good night lol. Yea the hormanes part sucks. I am glade I am not alone. I do believe he is being faithful and he is sooo excited about his soon coming son. I think if all I have to worry about is extra time in the bathroom and always with me.. I will count my blessings
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