What birth control do u plan on using after baby?



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  • My husband is taking care of that he's getting snipped
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  • Mirena is great! Worked well for me for about 8mo. But unfortunately nothing is full proof there is still a 1 in 1000 chance that you can still get prego w/ the mirena & I am the that lucky 1!..my advice do your homework, talk to your doc & partner..cuz although hubby & I are happy to be having #3 I would have rather waited a little longer..good luck...ps hubby is getting sniped this time ;)
  • Birth control is so stressful for me to think about.
    So many choices, pros and cons.
    And there's still always a chance of pregnancy.
    So I really don't know yet.
    But I definitly don't want 30 babies down the line. :p
    I'm thinking I'll roll with the pill for awhile.
    Assuming I can remember to take them.
  • @ cfa: in tn you have t be 23 or have 3 kids before you can get your tubes tied. I think it's ridiculous.
  • @ynvtish I'm getting my tubes tied too! This is also my fourth:P
  • @heather I wonder how its going to effect our body. Will our hormons be off balanced?
  • None (unless breastfeeding counts), this is our first baby and we want to have more. I ain't gettin' any younger! ;)
  • This is our first and neither of us really want another. No judging please! Lol. I have 7 nieces and nephews already. My hubby is thinking about getting snipped but I'll prolly just go on the pill for a while.
  • I am getting my tubes tied I live in Utah and I'm 21 and pregnant with my 2nd child and my Dr said he will tie my tubes after my c section so it just varies but if your done I would beg the Dr to do it
  • edited March 2011
    Gonna probably get the IUD. No added hormones, so no heavy periods and major weight gain and it can be used while breastfeeding. Plus can get pregnant again as soon as I get it removed and a added bonus is they have controls for 3-10 years.
  • I got the Mirena after a miscarriage in June of 08 had it for a little over 3 months hurt very bad when they put it in and I bled for the whole time it was on (3 months straight) and had very bad pains (but they said it was prolly because I didn't deliever a full term baby) so idk might try it again not sure tho kinda scared of that pain and bleeding again
  • I'm not sure? My mother had it done when I was an older teenager. I don't remember that happening to her. I should ask. All she says about it now is that it is one of the most freeing experiences:)
  • Had a novaT IUD for a year gave up was horrible. Painful heavy bleeding with spotting all the time, painful sex for both of us. Had it checked inside and out and finally removed. Mirena has hormones so I didn't want that while nursing. Tried nuva ring and it is exactly same as pill just not taken daily. Made me crazy and gain weight. Was tracking my cycle when we conceived this time. Not sure what to do, since I got preg twice (one mc, then my daughter) on pill before. Hsbd says snip but think I want a third... will decide when time comes.
  • I love nuvea ring is the best for me
  • None :) lol
  • I wanted to do mirena untill I found out the side effects. Also my husband is very large in the lower department so it could ve very painful for the both of us.a lot of my friends had it and dont recommend it at all. I used seasonique before I met my husband and I absolutely loved it. I hate takin the pill but it worked sooo good nd I only had a period every so often. I am also considering the patch.
  • a stretched out vagina ;)
  • I'm going straight back on implanon! I had it for 2 an a half years with no side effects or periods an was pregnant 2 weeks after coming off it! :-D
  • I think we're done, so hubby will prob get a vasectomy.
  • I had mirena and I think its something good but my uterus is not meant for iud's lol I had mine removed after 6 month but my aunt has had it since it came out and loves it. It all depends on you and my husband isn't the smallest down there either and he couldnt feel the strings until I told him how they remove it since he wanted to know. Lol
  • Breastfeeding does count, only if you do it full -time. I can't believe a doctor would say other wise. You do not ovulate while breastfeeding full time.
  • I was on the deppo shot when I got pregnant sooo im doing anything but that!
  • I might get on the pill but probably nothing...lol my friend had implanon it looked gross it hurt and after a month literally fell out of her ARM
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