morning sickness i need a cure.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Omg okay so I'm 8weeks prego & this morning sickness has me insane I tried almost everything saltine crackers, smelling a lemon, nausea meds, candy NOTHiNG is helping can you guys give me some advice that helps you or has helped please & thank you.


  • Only thing I know is to lay down for 30-45 and get up slowly. Eat small meals throughout the day too.
  • I'm 9 weeks. Lost like 7 pounds from this Hell. I did pretzels and ginger ale. Eat light and bland foods. I've been sick free for 5 days hun. Good luck! When are you due? I'm due October 31st
  • @ beautifulone I try that to I only feel worse. I can barely get back up.

    @ckazfirst I'm going to need to try that I'm still stuck in bed cus of it. Really I'm due Oct 31 too how cool I'm happy. Congrats btw. Lol
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  • Zofran is keeping me from puking, but I'm still nauseous, going on 3 weeks now. I'm 9 weeks. Pretzels, water, and yogurt are basically all I can eat. It sucks, but you just have to tough it out. Last time, I had it til 20 weeks...I lost 25 lbs!
  • @ richjen24 what does it pertain to mostly the throwing up or nausea Becus the doctor has prescribed me too types of nausea meds & neither one work :(
  • @ laura536 thanks I must try the pretzels Becus I haven't & they must seem to be working on some of you. The gingerale is good but I like it hot. But my goodness that must of been a lil hell for you. Well I hope it ends after yu turn 12weeks I shall keep you in prayers on that one.
  • I only had some nausea here and there so far, I've never actually threw up. From what I've heard morning sickness is hell.
  • @beautifulone mines has just started but all yesterday I couldn't stop throwing up & today I woke up with the same feeling I feel so under the sun :( grrr I dislike morning sickness
  • What helped me is to TRY to eat every 2 hours so ur tummy is not empty and peppermints helped me a lot. And unisom its a sleeping pill but it supposed to help with morning sickness but ask ur doc first
  • @babeysole I know you have to be miserable. When I had nausea I just had to lay down and be still. Every little move I made made me wanna throw up. I'm 13 wks and 4 days now so I'm good, but I do get light headed from time to time.
  • @babysole I didn't want more meds than I already took but took b6 it helped so much. And yay for Halloween babes! Drink a lot as to be sure to not get dehydrated gatorade will help that. You can email me. As a Halloween preggo buddy. if you would like to.
  • I had it really bad also I ate anything with salt and when it was really bad I put salt on my hand and licked it off and layed down, I kno sodas are bad but thats what helped me becuz of tge acid in it, pickles helped becuz of the tartness and the doc gave me meds but I really didnt like taking them even thou it was safe
  • Personally I thought my morning sickness was horrible and found out it was the prenatal pills making me sick!
  • Yeah. I spoke too soon. I usually eat something small and didn't this morning. Grrrrr....I was working on 5 days free of Puking...tmi but now I'm urked!
  • Sour jolly ranchers, or there are preggy pops (little sour candies you can get them online)
  • Have you tried ginger ale? That helped me some. Or trying to eat a cracker before getting out of bed. Other than that pray the next 4 or so weeks go by fast.
  • Sorry I haven't respond I was trying to control so I think I found out my solution thanks to you guys. Pretzels & gingerale & toast with a lil butter helped sober me up I'm finally feeling well. I hope you guys find cures but all the advice was well taken & yes I don't do meds either I worry to much lol. & as for the Halloween babes woot woot I'm so happy & you guys can keep in touch & stay updated by emailing me at :) thanks for all the replys
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