pregnant for the entire summer ugh.MY due date 8/25/11

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
It sucks I b big this summer lol I still love my bb ...


  • im due sep 6 so i know ur pain and since i just wanna eat everything in sight i really iam scared im gonna b extra big. doct and mom said its normal for my appitiete to be like this but im not looking forward to this hot summer
  • I'm due Oct 4th so I'm gonna be pregnant alllll summer... I'm from upstate NY so summers here are hot and very humid :(
  • I guess It's just a Lil stressful cause will b w this huge belly this hot summer ....
  • @billysgirly I undestand u I am from upstate ny too ....
  • I'm due august 22, so I feel your pain. At least our babies will have summer birthdays!!
  • This will be my 4th time being pregnant all summer. I am from RI and feel your pain!
  • Its not too bad, was pregnant for the summer for 5 out of 6 of my pregnancies. Delivered in July, August, December, January, February, and this one due in May. You got to think your pregnant 9 months chances are some of will be in the summer. At least you can enjoy walks in the park and ice cream!
  • @septbabie do u know what u having yet?
  • @ lisamarie summer birthdays good point, I hate my January February and December birthdays. People come to your house with all the slush on their shoes. Packed inside hoping nobodys sick!
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  • Thank u all for ur comments ...
  • @kareNLove i go for a sono friday and we are hoping to find out the sex then crossing fingers for a gir! this is my first u?
  • I'm due 8/31 and I'm plus size.....geez I'm going to have a hard time
  • I know how you feel, I'm due 8/23/11. Eeekk I love the summer idk if I can handle it this summer though.
  • I'm due November 21 I will be 6 months on my bday
  • Due Sept 16 I actually enjoy being preggo in summer. Had my 2nd Sept 21st I love swimming while preggo and being able to be active outside. Lots of popsicles get me through the heat. I hate being cooped up all winter!
  • He same here, I'm due Sept 22 :-)
  • @septbabie Kool sonogram is April 1st can't wait this is bb # 6 ..
  • @KareNLove thanks.. did u find out the sex of previouse babies? if so did u ever find ot as early as 16 weeks?
  • #4 was a surprise since I had all girls I just gave up finding out . I normaly had my sonograms around 18 week...
  • do u have 5girls or were ne boys? iam the oldest of 6 girls :) there was never a dull moment in my house.
  • @ Septbabie I have 4 girls 1 boy 6 girls alot of drama lol I bet :) .I got 3 SIS I am the oldest it was crazy LOL...
  • Due 9/27, I was trying to ignore the fact that I will be preggers all summer. My first two were born in Feb and March so I wasn't too big in the summer months. I live in Nebraska and our summers are hot and humid. I am hoping the weather is decent all summer to be able to go to the pool most days. And I think my husband is insane thinking I will be able to now the lawn all summer. I guess we will wait and see.
  • Yep me too! I'm due 27th Sept!
  • I'm due 8.25 too!!
  • @jbandno3 the pool sounds good n relaxing :)
  • @caroline8_p Kool we got the same due date...
  • Lol I'm due Sept 27th I know its gonna suck lol
  • Im due sept 16th i am dreading dealn with tha heat of tha summer an havin a huge belly ugh my last pregnancy wuz during tha winter an i loved that.But i cnt wait ta c my little 1
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