How did you tell your hubby or bf you were pregnant?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
When my boyfriend came home from work I greeted him with his favorite pastries from his favorite bakery and a card that read "SURPRISE! your gonna be a Daddy!" All while secretly filming him on my phone... his expression was priceless.


  • I went to my friends house for the weekend and she is the one who made me take a test (I had no idea...) So when I got home after not seeing Brandon for 2 days we started small talk about how our weekend was then I said "I have something to tell you, but I cant look at you while I say it" he thought I cheated on him I said "no, I am pregnant, miranda made me take a test and it was positive" I looked up at him and he was smiling I told him I didn't think it was very funny and to quit laughing. I peed on another stick to show him then we went to tell his mom. we all cried his sister jumped up and down for joy. I was so nervous to tell his mom. Then we talked to his step dad (who is over in iraq) on web cam and he cried and is excited to be grandpa. I was so scared at first I think everyone took the news better then I did. I made my friend pee on a stick too just in case we got a bad batch lol.
  • edited March 2011
    Left the positive test sitting on dresser ;) he was speechless. Huge smile!
  • I callef him and said, "honey, im pregnant!" Both times :-D
  • LOL great stories me and my hubby have been trying for seven years so everytime I would take one it ended up negative but the one that said yes I was so exited I couldn't wait so I text him at work I'm pregnant he was so exited he told his whole pod and went on break to call me were so happy. :) :)
  • Omg. Those sound so easy I wish mines was like that lol I was so sick throwing up for two days I couldn't figure out why I thought that it was the iron pills my doctor prescribed I finally got tired of throwing up I asked my bf mom to take me to the er there first question was could you be pregnant I said I wasn't sure last month I got my period twice but it hasn't came so they take blood and after 2bags of iv I could pee so they come back & say congrats mommy I'm like no way the look on my mother in laws face was priceless so I called my boyfriend & he was in such shock he was in denial til I got home & showed him the test but now he's happier than ever & so are our parents their first grandchild. This was a true blessing that I thank god for everyday because I was told I wasn't to have babies because past history of sis in my ovaries but so glad I'm having this baby :)
  • @babeysole I was sick too and thought I was just coming down with something lol. My boyfriend kept making jokes and I kept saying not possible. Good ol failed birth control. Thank god my friend made me take a test.
  • My husband told me.... he just knew it.
  • bought our youngest son who is 11 months old a shirt that said "im a BIG brother" on it and let him run around the house until daddy came home and noticed his shirt...he was so happy he even cried with joy! :)
  • I was in the hospital supposed to get xrays, they asked if there's a chance I could be prego and I told them I was two days late for my period. After a test and lots of waiting, surprise youre pregnant!
    I called my bf to say I was all done. He picked me up and asked if I wanted to get lunch. I told him "that's a great idea since we have another mouth to feed!" He got really confused then asked "wait are you pregnant!?"
    Best lunch ever :)
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  • My hubby had been wanting some new jordans. So when I found out I was pregnant I bought him a pair of jordans and a matching infant size. I took the jordans out of his box and put the baby size in there with a hpt in each shoe. When he got out of work, I casually said "babe, I bought you those shoes you wanted" when he opened the box at first he was confused. He said "babe, they put the wrong shoes in here" and then he noticed the hpt sticks. The smile on his face was priceless. A few hrs later after he had calmed down he said "ok, but where are my shoes?" LoL
  • @mrshudson10 hahaha that's soo funny I could jus imagine my BF sayin the same thing... "these Are he wronge shoes" hahaha priceless
  • My husband was there when I took the test
  • I sent my hubby a pic of the test
  • edited March 2011
    @karla_with_a_k. I did the exact same thing! I still have the pic in my phone. We were in different states at the time. I was in shock and didn't know how to say it so I sent the pic in a text.
  • I took the test & left it on the sink. I told him to go in & check. He comes out asking what 2 lines mentioned. I said hunnie where pregnant. A big smile came about his face. :)
  • Lol. this was out first time ttc and the good Lord was right on board with us. I had also sent him pics of my positive ovlation tests too lol
  • I went to the dr to get on the birth control shot and my urine test was negative and positive so they did blood work and said they would call me the next morning. Finally at almost 6 the next afternoon they called saying I'm pregnant. My fiance was off working and wouldn't be home until Sunday morning (this was on a Thursday) so I called him and said "hey daddy" he was really confused and got super quiet. He had me worried but he is REALLY excited now:)
  • Aww all those are great stories... my bf claims he knew before too... I don't know why he didn't fill me in Hahaha
  • Took the first test at 4 in the morning and woke him up to show him :p he didnt sleep the rest of the night. But hes so excited hes almost here !
  • I took the test after he left to work & it was his birthday so when he got home I told him to go to the bathroom & he started to cry awwwww my baby! :p
  • Took my first test at night and it was faint. Hubby was in bed and i took it to him and said i think we r pregnant he looked. At it and said i think ur crazy there's no line. The next day at work i took a digital abd sent him a pic.
  • We had been talking about the possibility of me being pregnant. So when I finally bought the test and took it he wasnt surprised when I called him and told him.
  • I took the test alone, my husband was at work. As soon as it read positive I ran to the store and found a onsie that said "mommy+daddy=me!". I waited for 3 hours till he got home and opened it. It was so worth it though. After three years of trying the look on his face was priceless!
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