i just need to vent...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm due oct 20th. My mil keeps bugging me about being in the room when I deliver and keeps texting names that she likes. Like if its a girl naming it after me and calling it jr. Its driving me crazy. I have morning sickness so bad I've lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. I don't even know what I'm having yet because its wayyyyy too early. I'm glad she's excited but its too much right now. Grr am I just being a big b or is it her?


  • Hormones make little things seen so big. It's awesome she is excited but if she calmed down a Lil I'm sure you would feel better. Maybe talk to her? Is this the first grandchild?
  • Its her. Tell her to calm down lol at least wait til ur almost due to talk about that stuff!
  • remember its ur baby... I would never let my mil in the room or let her name my baby.. I don't think ur being a b. I think some mil don't know when to stay out of things. Tell ur husband to ask her to back off.
  • No my husband has a 3 yr old son but they both were not very involved. I just feel sick all the time and its my first pregnancy so I just want to worry about being healthy and not about what the kids name is going to be. I just feel like I'm being so mean because I usually put up with everything she has to say but its too much too early. I will try to talk to her and be nice even though I still feel like it will be mean but she had 2 kids so she should understand I hope. :) thanks guys
  • My husband is another story. He doesn't think she is doing anything wrong...I've asked him to talk to her but he just laughs and says that its nice that she cares or whatever. He doesn't understand.
  • I know just how you feel. We found out really early and told MIL & FIL at 6 weeks. This is their first and they are way excited. They live right around the corner so I see them often. I get really irritated because since then (I am 15 weeks now) every time she shes me she wants to rub my stomach. It drives me nuts! I'm not even showing! I want to tell her to back off that the baby isn't even that high up in my stomach yet but I don't want to be mean... It's just uncomfortable though.
    Then my FIL wants to comment on my weight all the time and feels like when we are at restaurants he can tell me what I can and can't order. Ugh! I can't handle 40 weeks of this.
    I feel for you. Just breathe and keep a good safe distance between you and MIL.
  • Omg my stepmom rub my stomach when I was like 6 weeks like twice and I'm fat as it is. So its just rude. I can't believe he would have the balls to comment on your weight and what you eat. Is his wife the perfect weight? I wouldn't know what to do if they lived so close to me. And geeze its not like you don't already know about having a healthy pregnancy and stuff. I know that they will probably do the same when I get further along. Good luck :)
  • I'd explain how u r feeling in a very gentle way cause ud rather enjoy spending time with her than avoid her for things she doesn't realize r bugging u. We do and should get special treatment during this fleeting time, since the best pregnancy is a stress free one. Had the same issues with my SIL she drove me nuts but I never told her til this time around cause I still wanna hang out rather than avoid and make her feel bad. Hsbd didn't help, needed to speak up for myself. Hope ur morning sickness goes away very soon and u can enjoy pregnancy AND ur inlaws.
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