due date today- still no baby :,(

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Tried everything this lil girl ain't shifting :(


  • Hang in there hun! Maybe walking around the mall will get her motivated to come out. I only have 1 girl and I swear it worked the day my labor kicked in. Now she is 11 and practically lives there. ;)
  • I keep wondering if I am going to be late I am due May 1 with my first baby
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  • Just.. go to walmart, tell her your looking at boy clothes! :P
  • Try Kraft Mac & Cheese w/ A1 steak sauce.
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  • @kerrideern I wouldnt mind a couple days but no weeks late ..... I dont know but now I want mac-n-cheese
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  • oh no she is crazy I want him out already and I am only 34wks2days
  • 2 days past my date now..... getting antsy!!!
  • Been to anti-natel today, docs said if she hasn't made an appearance by Monday 28th they will be inducing me on the 29th Tuesday, so I spose its only 6days latest n ill be holding my baby girl :) xxxx
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  • @Mama_Kat well she is 1day overdue atm I hope she comes before next Tuesday :) good luck 2 u 2 hun xxx
  • Being induced is a very long process can take days sorry hun.
  • Goodluck I went 5 days over and its the longest few days... I did everything to get him out and not sure what one worked... sex, walking, spicy food... my sister used castor oil and that worked but was horrible, I would not suggest trying it lol
  • @kate_p3 They have said they will do it within 2days, won't let me go into April. So 8days max. I'm hoping she comes this week :) midwife will be doing a internal this Friday aswell, so I'm hoping she will arrive before they have to intervene. Xxx
  • edited March 2011
    @tinka1326 I will defo try everything except castor oil!! I've heard the stories...no thanks! LOL xxx
  • I tried castor oil with both of my children. Works like a charm, labor usually starts within 45 min. But feels like the contractions never stopped. With my last child I just wanted them to put me out of my misery! But I did it without an epidural. So it might be a different experience for others.
  • really....maybee itss cuzz she/he aiint ready tO come yet
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