due dates n c-section



  • Since my last baby was a c- section I get to choose vbac or c-section. Vbac only if I go into labor naturally otherwise I can choose the date of the c-Section. I'm having a hard time deciding. C-section recovery was awful for me, but I'm worried about rupture
  • Ya I think c-sec is easier I heard the 2nd recovers faster is that true? When r u due? U stay longer and get cared for too which I love :)
  • aww so happy for you! i recently switched my doctor and it relieved soo much stress!!
  • Aww thanks so much! Hell ya gotta feel comforable!! I left that same office diff doctor with my son too lol sooooo happy with this new doc she's amazing never had anyone like her! Where do u live... when u due??
  • edited March 2011
    I was lucky enough to have an uncomplicated natural drug free birth with my son and was back to normal within a couple days and will do the same again this pregnancy... healing time is so much longer and traumatic with a c-section I would never chose it voluntarily...
  • That's great! I personally don't wanna push a baby out hellll no! Easier way to go n already know how it is too! I love idea I choose babys bday too! Can't do that with natural birth...
  • Also I would NEVER do it drug free hahha never tried any drugs pot drinking or smoking in my life but when it comes to something painful its amazing and need them in child birth!
  • 3rd pregnancy and having a c-sec. Due 11/7. My dr does not do v-bac which I'm ok with.
  • Did u have a second c-sec 2nd time how was recovery n the experience?
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