edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, I know that normal time refrained people wait till around 3 months. But I have told my mom and brother at week 7. And now at week 9 almost 10 ill be telling my dad. (which in super stressed about) but when did you all tell the world.


  • I say wait the 3 months!!!
  • As soon as I found out after taking 4 tests. I am now 33 weeks
  • I kNow ppl who have told as soon as they find out.
  • I told the ppl closest to me as soon as I found out but I told the world when I found out what I was having
  • My man posted it on face book about an hour after he saw the pee stick. I couldn't be upset, he was sooo excited. He had no idea that you should wait. The word spread like a wild fire!
  • @ 5 wks when I found out, I told my sis, 2 best friends, & a cowrkr. @ 7 wks told my other sis. @ 9 wks, told my parents. I'm 11 wks 4 days & jus told my older bro today. So all who's left to tell @ 12 wks are my twin bro, & baby daddy's parents. After that I will tell the world!
  • Well we told my mom and brother. I'm telling my dad this Friday. Waiting to tell his mom because she gossips. And next we have his daughter. Which will be rough but she is next then his mom and hopefully soon cause I'm thinking the belly gain is slightly noticable. Even though I've lost weight. Lol
  • Im 5wks and the only person who dont know is my mom
  • Im 13 wks and just told some family and some friends ..but should've waited longer..because of the fear of a mc
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