pros and cons of getting married?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Me and my fiance are expecting our son june 9th, we want to get married but its hard these days and if we get married i cant get any help i might possibly need through government and we're also held back because he pays child support for his daughter and his b.m will do anything to ruin our lives! We want to get married but family help is nearly impossible what to do!? :(


  • I'm in ur boat. Due in july and receiving state insurance so if we get married it'll screw it all up. Rock and a hard place huh? Idk what to do either.
  • It sucks so bad, before his family were trying to force us and we said no, but we've decided to get married this year. And now we cant cause im looking into housing and if we get married i wont get help with that or insurance and someone toldme his b.mcould also ask to take my income because it'd be a joint income
  • I've never heard of ur income being taken. But yes it suck, whydo we have to choose. Like what freeking difference will it make?! I don't understand this government b.s sometimes.
  • In certain states they will combine yall income so i would check with the child support office. I knw in tennessee they use both if ur married and on cs.
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