Bye pregly (decided to stay!)

edited March 2011 in About App & Forum
Enjoy your pregnancies! Bye everyone!!!


  • Bye. Good luck.
  • Why r u leaving?
  • @Ladynplus1momma because I feel like no one wants to answer any of my questions or anything but when my boyfriend posts it his questions get answered
  • Sorry to hear that jasmine.... best wishes!
  • @Jasmine I hate to see you go sweets, you should stay! Are you prego? I am Jen, 26, ttc w/ hubby for 17 months.
  • @Praying_4_twins yes I am. I'm Jasmine and 17 and 6 weeks 2 days pregnant
  • Nobody ever responds to my topics either but once in a while I find an answers to some of my questions and some good info. I say don't delete the app and don't take it personal. Use it for what its worth. I think they talk to ur bf more cuz there is not a lot of guys on here.
  • @Jasmine @twin_angels Yeah, unless I post something late, late at night with a comedic or angry sounding title, I don't get many responses either. I wish you the best, and I am sorry you are leaving!
  • @twin_angels I think I'll stick around for a while longer
  • I only respond to posts that I think I can help with. The others I read and some help and some are just not even worth the time to argue over. I don't want to see anyone go. Everyone has some experiences and information I've do not and I am sure you have lots to share that could help people or others that can help u if you need it. You are not alone on here hun. Don't go. My name is Vallie and I'm almost 15weeks. Anytime u want to talk drop me a inbox hun! Best of luck with whatever u decide.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I'm going to stay
  • Good for you! :) I just wanted to add that not all of my posts get answered, either... maybe its a topic that might have been asked already. I've found answers to some of my q's that someone else asked & got the answer I needed! :) good luck!
  • :) good that makes me smile! And I needed to smile.
  • I have a hard time getting my questions answered too hun congrats though :)
  • Glad u decided to stay it can b helpful my posts don't get answers sometimes either but just stick around I'm Lindsey 22 baby number 2 due October 14th good luck with ur pregnancy been good so far?
  • Yeah its been good other than the morning sickness
  • Look at all the postings u just got! Your famous now....
    I.always post and hardly get anythng bak or my posting ends up 3-4pages.down the row... uggghhhhh
  • @jasmine I haven't been on hardly @ all because no one replies to anything I say. But I like the pregnancy ticker :)
  • @Jasmine I think its bc ur bf asks stuff that can be asnwered that.envolves pregnancies. But dnt leave!!!!! Lol
  • @all some of my post don't get responses its just bc there is so much, but its good bc I have found a lot of answers in just reading some other postings & then asking w/in that post I get responses. I love this forum & there are so many great ppl I have met while on here ;)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Jasmine. Don't feel bad about being young, I'm 16 and so is my girlfriend. And she's only 8 weeks and 4 days. Goodluck. And Twins wow. I hope not for us.
  • @jasmine if u want Tu stay and need a buddy we can b buds lol I'm 19 due 7/28.... ill answer as much as I can as long as u du the same
  • @Jersey_Daddy16 thanks & I'll be praying for you and your girlfriend.

    @Neek lol ok
  • @jasmine stick around I dont post all the time but I find alot of things and woman I can relate to as you will too. If you ever have any questions inbox me prego4 .. I have a good friend that is a teen mom and I have alot of respect for teen moms. Number one advice I can give you is your hormones will go crazy may already be there lol but it is part of prego take care u got a friend and I am sure plenty more by now. any questions yet 8-|
  • I am happy to see you decided to stay! >:D<
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I know this is off topic but you have the same name I do! It's rare and I got all excited! Lol
  • @my_tiny_blessing what??? Your name is Vallie?? Is it spelled the same? I've never met another Vallie but my great grandmother who I was named after. I can't believe it! Crazy! I'm totally excited! Lol
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