feeling absolutley useless

edited March 2011 in November 2011
I have been dealing with exhaustion for 2 weeks and ms for a couple days. My bf works thirds 6 days a week so he is usually sleeping. Our house has gone to h@ll. I can't get enough energy to pick up and when I try, I get light headed and nauseous.... which makes me feel horrible because I am the only one who tries to keep it all picked up, and I'm just overwhelmed to the point of tears.... any suggestions how to get back on top of things?


  • u need ur rest. n while I understand ur works alot n needs rest too he should try to help
  • Agreed. U rest. Maybe you'll get lucky & he'll finally realize he's gotta do it or it won't get done.
    When our double sink was filled w/ dishes, my Hubby finally realized (without me saying anything) that he was gonna have to help out.
  • .Omg I feel the same way, I have two boys now who wear me out, one and three, i can't get to bed at night, and can't stay awake during the day, my house is a mess and my dishes need done, I always say ill get to it tomorrow. Once second trimester comes we will all feel better finally! Just hang in there its normal!
  • Omg I feel the same way I have a two year old who has so much energy and I'm so tired and sick to my stomach all u do is veg I don't even have the energy to visit with my bf when he comes over after work not to mention my laundry don't even want to go there
  • Me too...i have 3 school age kiddos and run a home daycare. Usually before my first daycare kiddo gets here I have the house cleaned, dishes done, and laundry going...but now I cant barely move off the couch in fear of getting sick. I am 8w1d and am praying I get passed this naseua soon. I didnt have morning sickness w my other 3.
  • I am 6w 3d and ms hit the second I was 6w.... he's trying to be supportive and helpful, but I understand how hard it can be working 60 hours a week. But I tried to make us breakfast this morning.... very bad idea.... let's just say he took over and I climbed back into bed. I'm worried I'm going to have to deal with depression too.... I have a history of it, and I know I can't take anything for it while pregnant..... another thing to worry about.... lol.
  • Please do not feel bad for this! I am newly pregnant, almost 6 weeks and I am borderline OCD with my cleaning obsession and our house is a wreck too...but I can't help it! I have to nap one to two times a day :) don't worry hot mama we'll get our energy back!
  • @obxwifey. I sure hope so.... it seems like I am either in the bedroom or the bathroom right now. I know its gonna be worth it in the long run, but dang November is a loooong ways off....lol.
  • Im in the same boat. I work, go to school, and have a 3 yr old. Some days I don't know how im gona make it. I have nausea and headaches all day and I've never been so tired in my life. My house doesn't get touched.
  • I'm with ya it drives me crazy to see the house a mess but everyone else is right you need the rest. Have your husband help where he can
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