Ready. To. Pop.

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 37 weeks, what will help me pop Just a little bit early?!


  • Walk. Sex. Spicy food. Eating Turkey. Caffeine can cause contractions. ? Not sure if they all work but it's worth a try.
  • Primrose oil on the cervix.
  • You can try everything but the baby is going to come when the baby is ready :)
  • I have tried EVERYTHING! (Except castor oil, being pregnant one more week sounds better than those stories). Nothing has worked. Ill have contractions for a while and then they'll just stop. I guess my little boy just wants to wait. Btw I'm 38w 2d. Sorry if that discourages you and lots of luck! With my last pregnancy nipple stimulation did break my water so try that :-)
  • It's probably best to let them to come in their own time. I know it's frustrating but then you'll wish time will stop going so fast when they arrive! This is my second so I thought it might be sooner but here I am at 39 weeks waiting lol. Just hang in there! :-)
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