hubby being really nice outta nowere all of a sudden ??

so my baby dad / boyfriend is strtin to b rly nice outta nowere for no reason . I love it ! he brings food wen im at school . wil surprise me wen im at home . will jus do lil stuff for me now . its so sweet . ne other bby dads hubbys or boyfriends jus strt bein rly nice outta nowere ??


  • I wish! Mines only nice if I ' give it up'. Your lucky!
  • Well considering our hormones...he prolly wasn't really being a complete ass. But maybe he was, Idk. But when calms down the smallest things will add up. I have the same issues...but its e eryone that pissed me off. I think solitary confignment might be ok. Lol jk
  • LOL , yea all of a sudden myy ddy starts to be really nice it was shockin but isaid nothing ckus it might've ruined it so ijust smiled so hard &&_ had the giggles all day !
  • Ya mine brought home a diamond and pink sapphire ring randomly for me
  • My baby daddy always.been nice since before we started dating lol hes never changed im waiting for.him to turn into an a hole lmao hes just tooo nice lol
  • My baby daddy is bein really nice but at times he can be a jerk
  • Aww, thats sweet that he caters to u. My hubby has been that way since the first day we met. He caters to every single need and want. enjoy ur man and treat him good.
  • Mines to more nicer now than before but still jokes bout things to
  • we joke about him being nice sometimes . cause ill start thinking ooo you got some or whatever but he knows im only kidding and plays around with me . its cute tho . hes absoutley amazing .
  • Yeah mine has always been sweet to me but I love the fact I get to be lazy in bed and when I want something he will get up in the middle of the night to get it for me. Lol sometimes we joke around and he will ask y I can't get up and get it I always reply with cuz I'm making a baby he smiles and gets up lol awe I love him tho he likes getting me mad cuz he says I get the cutest expression lol what a meanie
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