funny pregnancy moments

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm so gassy I need to tie a string around my ankles befor I float away. Lol


  • Me too thought it was just me just blame on dog nd or hubby lol
  • Went too the doctor for an ultra sound and she pushed on my tummy after she just made me drink 3 bottled waters and I farted I was so embaressed
  • At least you didn't pee a little like I did!! Lol so much water, and that lady was pushing so hard at the ultrasound haha!!
  • I have a slightly gross one. I had horrible morning sickness the other day, but I had to go to the grocery. I also had a cold and was sneezing and coughing like crazy. Every time I sneezed or coughed I gagged. I probably looked like a crazy gagging every five minutes. I got the hell outta there. :0&
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