19th august buddie anywhere :)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Everyone seems to be lookin for preggy buddies an I feel a bit left out so if ur free to chat about whats goin on what baby stuff u got an names ect be my buddie please :)


  • I'm due augs 7th I'm having a boy his name is Mathew Aiden >:D< how about you?
  • I'm due the 28 of July lol I don't have Amy baby stuff yet my baby shower will be on may tho..... I'm having a little girl.... and her name will be Nev'Aeh for heaven backwards .... we wanted a Biblical name how about u
  • Im due 19th but dont no what im having til next week ahhhh its killin me haha I think its a boy tho! Is this ur first? How's it been for u so far?
  • Iv got a bath, changing matt, steriliser kit, boncer an bibs but not gettin anything else til I no what we having! We dont agree on any names at all which is always a fun convo :/ haa pregnancy been good for u?
  • *has not haa
  • Due Aug 17 just found out yesterday Im having a girl. Havent bought anything yet waiting for my (surprise shower)my husband thinks I don't know.
  • I'm due august 22. It's a boy!
  • @engie2ndbaby Aww cute that his tryin tho hey is this pregnancy easier than last?

    @Lisamarie yay near me :) when did u find out?
  • Due August 21 And was supposed to find out what I was having a couple days ago but was not scheduled properly so now have to wait until April 6 :( Whaa. I want to start shopping!! Other than that... everything is good :)
  • I think if there was more stuff to buy id be fine not knowing but I just wanna buy buy buy so next fri can't come any quicker ha. Aww sorry u couldn't have urs, what a pain! Ooo 2 days away from me :) mine was 21st but moved to 19th. Let me know what ur having when u find out :)
  • I found out at 15 weeks, my little boy wanted to show his stuff! Lol
  • Haha got a littleboy full of confidence haha Aww bless thats always nice coz u no for sure. How far was u when u discovered u was preg? This ur first?
  • Will do. Im so excited. I have a feeling they might move my date up too because o had to go to the er at 16 weeks and baby was measuring at 17 weeks... they said Dr will probably move up the date :)
  • Awww ... august 19th is my BIRTHDAY ... god bless all the baby Leos .
  • I like it when they move it even tho its just a couple of days coz it means its a couple of days closer :D ahh exiting stuff!

    Haa I will try give birth on my due date just for u hehe
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