Stop responding to Soontobeteenmama

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Ladies were letting this misguided and irrational fool lead us into chaos. If you see a posting by her, just ignore it. Everything that she post just sends us into an uproar. If she's going to be a negative nancy let her be on her own time.


  • I love the irony of people raging on me for having opinions instead of giving her the advice she asked for happens, then she posts again and everyone who raged about my opinions has their own opinions and instead of giving her advice tells her why abortion is wrong. Hypocrisy at its finest, I say. "Ohh but this time it involves a life, its abortion!" guess what, last time it involved a life too.

    Anyway, she's a drama llama and enjoying the attention, which is why I didn't post at all on her second thread.
  • edited January 2011
    @michelya...I'll be the first to be a woman & apologize to you, I thought her posts were serious & apparently now, there just for attention. I got mad at you for stating your opinion & I even tried to compare her & I, when clearly there isn't any comparison, reading her lastest post just distributes ignorance. She has a lot of growing up to do & I now see your whole POV..!
  • Based on the girls poor grammar and clear lack of knowledge about practically everything, she doesn't need advice, she needs to hit the books.
  • This whole thing is just sad. It proves there are so idiots out there with nothing better to do than try to mess with people who are minding their own business.
  • She shud get kicked off for making such a joke if this forum and playing on peoples emotions
  • I agree ladies. This app is for fun and advice Not turning us all on each other. I love the silly confessions or getting advice on my questions I say we all stick to that :)
  • and ovulating does not gave a b n it.
  • @due_in_july I love that forum. I tried to explain to my bf that gas is natural at this stage. Especially bad gas. I let him read it and we both had tears just dying laughin
  • @firstmamma Haha that's funny. I tell my husband blot of the stories on here but he isn't all that interested lol. But I love to hear what other pregnant women are going through. Lol
  • I agree. I say we call on truce on the subject and we all stick together as mothers and mothers to be. We are here to help one another and lets not loose site on that. We should avoid the confilcts, because as we all have seen we will have a differance of opinions regardless who is right or who is wrong. We need to support one another and not involve the drama because it really won't get us anywhere but fired up over someone we don't even know and don't have all the facts on. So I say we continue on in answering the questions and helping those who are seeking it in a positive and mature manner. THis app is here for those who need it and if we are all gonna fight and argue on stuff it really isn't gonna get us anywhere in the end. So we move on and we continue coming to this app for the the 1st reason we joined it in the first place. Good luck to all of you mommie and have a great day. :)
  • Its funny, because all of you choose to argue and talk bad about each other. All I did was ask a question dumb or not.
    You decided to turn this app. Into a bad one, not myself.
    Don't blame others for your wrong doings.. take responsiblity for your actions. I think you should have learned all of that when you were what... 5!
  • Uve been at the center if mist if the heated topics on forum....stop instigating
  • Blah blah blah.
  • Ok ladies on another note so we don't get off track. And one have any silly stories. It makes me actually sad to not have boy really funny ones. Lol
  • Any *** sorry stupid touch screen.
  • Everyone on here is pregnant so of course their gonna be defensive of abortion. Dont talk about getting abortion on a pregnancy forum any one with common sense would know that
  • Then don't comment.
    All you said don't have a child.
    Then don't kill it.
    You can't raise it.
    My goodness. Pick one! Lol
  • @due_in_july I got caught farting on the train home. This lil boy next to me was like mommy what's that smell? She was tryin to shush him but he wouldn't stop. He was like noooo its bad it smells like daddy when he come out the bathroom. To say I was embarrassed is a understatemnt. I had tears from laughin and cryin cuz I felt nashy. Yes I wrote nashy
  • Oh man that is funny. I couldn't imagine that happening to me you are truly brave lol
  • There ws a bum on the train ( I live in the city ) he makes up songs about ppl with his electric guitar. Like he remixes old motown songs. He was like I see the pregnant girl in the red, she got a book, oooh she loook..... good. Junk in a trunk and in the front. He made my day. Had me laughin all over the east side
  • I have no problem with gas. I feel if a man cn fart and laugh y can't I? Its the same thing. I love fartin n belchin I just hve a reason now. And I'm still lady like. I say excuse me lmao
  • When I was about 15 weeks, my nd and I was out eating dinner and I had this cute little top on that had a button on the from. It buttoned right understand my boobs... well, we was eating and I took a deep breath in and all of a sudden, my button flew off across the room and hit this little preppyish girl and she was like "Ouuuch!" I apologized and picked up my button.
    Haha...I was a little embarrassed.
  • My bf was rubbing my legs & I just came out & said, " I gotta fart ". . .he moved his hand so fast, I didn't understand that because he tells me when he has to go #2 & I never judge him..!
  • Haha that's nice of him. Lol. It's not that I'm embarrasdd to fart or that I claim to not do it mine are just silent and before I got pregnant very rare Lol. My husband is actually worried I don't do it more lol
  • Lmao omg @lovemyboys that's precious. Waldrobe malfunctions.
  • @jody11 my husband is very open about that to and if I was to say I was to Do that he would look at me like eww. Lol
  • Oh its sad because b4 I got pregnant we had fart contests. But now that I actually hve a smell he doesn't want to play anymore. He gets super offended when I fart.
  • @firstmama haha of course now that he can't win he is done lol
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