I'm 20 and on clomid. Just wanted to here some success stories. This is my first cycle with it and its cycle day 19. When should I test? And any side effects?
I did four cycles of clomid and got pregnant. First two months I did 50mg then third 75mg n fourth back to 50mg. I was sweating off of clomid but that was it. Make sure u buy ovulation kit every month ur on it. Normally they say we ovulate the 14th but I use the ov kit every month n I ov 15 & 16. Best of luck to u. Hubby n I were trying four like four yrs. Im now 11+5
I think I had implantation cramping yesterday. No spotting. But its way too early to be AF cramping. I have been having hot flashes like a mofo.. I had an ultrasound the day I ovulated. So I know I ovulated CD 15. So hopefully ill get BFP. But Congrats on the baby. Safe pregnancy to u sweety.
I don't have much advice advice, but I too am taking Clomid. I finished my 2nd round on March 9 (100 mg) and today was my ovulation day & af decided to show (no warnings & heavy )
I am on my third round of clomid. I too have the hot flashes but also major cramping when I ovulate with migraine days 5-14 of my cycle. I will be ovulating tomorrow so hoping this month will be the one! Good luck to you!
Wellll tomorrow is CD 26 and still no sign of AF. So hopefully she wont show up. Apparently I've been very moody to the point that the fiancée bought me a baby journal yesterday. You know the ones that keep track of the whole 9 months and a bunch of baby books. I swear he has baby fever. But non of my normal symptoms have come except for hot flashes and mild breast tenderness. But I've felt very bloated since CD 19. Whats up with that?
I was on Clomid and got preggo first round... good luck!!!
P.S. most docs say those ovulation kits are a waste of money and don't work. My doc did ultrasounds to make sure there were mature egg(s), how many there were and what sizes they were... ultrasounds are more accurate!!!
I took clomid 50 mg for one month then upped it to 100 mg and got preggo the second month on 100 mg. I had horrible ovulation cramps and was ridiculously moody. The last month I took it I had loss of appetite until I ovulated. I didn't use an ovation kit. The cramps told me I was ovulating. We did the every other day thing from day 10-20 the first two months but the third month his work schedule was horrible and we only had sex once in that time frame and it took. I'm now 6 weeks! Hope this helps! Good luck!
I have two kids, no problem getting pregnant. After almost trying for a year we got pregnant, ended up being a blighted ovum. Did my first round of clomid in Jan. 50mg cycle days 5-9. Nothing! Feb second cycle 100mg days 5-9. And we got pregnant. My doc told me that both ovaries dropped eggs so we will see if their are twins this Thursday!
I had sore nipples but wasn't convinced I was pregnant just because of that. My hubby talked me into taking a test on Day 23 which was negative. Took another one on Day 25 and it was a faint positive!!! Now I'm almost 19 weeks.
@ash1la they did a vaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks because I was already miserably sick (that and twins run rampant in my family on top of the clomid) but they only saw one. At 12 weeks they did a standard abdominal, and surprise! There the other one was. It was passed the point of a "vanishing twin," so my doctor was pretty pleased! (I'm having a girl and a boy, btw)
@ash1la twins at that stage are usually on top of each other, so one was hiding the other since it was vaginal. Lol we were all shocked when he actually saw them both later.
P.S. most docs say those ovulation kits are a waste of money and don't work. My doc did ultrasounds to make sure there were mature egg(s), how many there were and what sizes they were... ultrasounds are more accurate!!!