Questions, Questions, Questions!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I figured i would put all my questions into one big post! ....#1: does anyone have any good remedies for breakouts during pregnancy?? My skin is terrible!! And ive never had break out issues before..
#2: apparently im at the point where i should be gaining a pound a week now (due july 19) but i dont plan on changing my eating habits... is this unavoidable? Before pregnancy i was around 137 now im 155 at 23 wks ugh! I dont want any more weight gain lol..
#3: sex is extremely painful for me now, my bf and i used to be extremely active. during pregnancy its so irritating and uncomfortable i hate doing it. When we r finished it feels like i ripped cuz it burns and stings so bad, and having to pee afterwards is so excrutiating that i need an ice pack and i will be sore for a few days... anyone else experience this or have any suggestions??


  • I have the same acne problem have found no help #2 I dont know caise im ok with getting fat right now #3 the increased hormones & bloodflow cause u to swell up & get dryer try lube it works for me
  • Yeah the sex thing. No advice but I have the same problem. And I suddenly developed skin probs after a lifetime of clear skin. A lot of ppl said because I'm having a boy. Idk if that's true or not. Again no advice but you r not alone!
  • My OB recommended I use an antibacterial body wash like dial. The acne breakouts r slowly getting better, but not gone.
  • edited March 2011
    You only need 300 calories more in ur diet..try having a smoothy..and exercise not trying to gain a bunch of weight like i did w/ my 1st...stay away ftm fast food and soda!!
    Acne..i use baking soda and olay bodywash..but i seen on here a great remedie..but idk it
  • I have input for #3. We had a thread about it a while ago. Maybe the sex is a little too rough. Tell him to go a little slower. It happens to me occasionally (before pregnancy) after sex was a little rough or hard. Felt like the skin between my vagina and butt hole was rug burned or something equally terrible. I just have sensitive skin, easily irritated.

    It might also be a lubrication problem. If you're uncomfortable, you might not be as hot and naturally lubed as normal. Or a funky hormone thing is the source of the problem. I read on another thread a while ago that spit is the safest lube. Grosses me out for some reason, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • Baking soda.. interesting! Lol but i will try dial soap hope it works :/
  • At some pt I had all of the above. Certain kinds of acne wash are ok. The 10% peroxide kind. Used it on my arms. I didn't change my eating with my first. Started at the same weight as u. Gained over 60lbs. Even when I tried to eat better it didn't seem to matter. I finally just made peace with it. Hey we r pregnant might as well enjoy not having to worry about abs and a tight butt for a few months. And sex sometimes it hurts and I actually do tear a little other times its fine. Luckily my husband understands when it hurts and finishes super quick. Sometimes pregnancy just doesn't know when to let up and give us a break
  • -Jwigs... im afraid to try any lubes idk, just paranoid. ill probly jyst end up dealing with this.
  • I was thinkung of trying that pro active, anyone ever use it during pregnancy?
  • Baking soda is awesome!
    •Wash your hair w/ it
    •Whiten your teeth
    • deoderent
    • face wash ( which by the way u can mix w/ any soap)
    • baking
    •kill oders
  • Wow never knew it could do all that i might have to pick some up!!
  • o and thanks for the link!
  • #3 I was that way with my daughter, it was awful. But after having her it was better. It is bc you have so much more blood pumping through you. It makes things sensitive.
  • I guess im just hoping its not some sort of infection but i think imjust that sensitive.
  • You probably are, my doctor from my last pregnancy said it is normal. I have pain in exams etc as well and they say it is normal.
  • #2 most of the weight that your supposed to be gaining should be baby!
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