need to talk! just found out im pregnant!

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
I just found out that I'm barley 5 weeks along. Not currently in a relationship! My ex and I were together about a year and the last two months we decided to spend some time apart but recently went on a date and had sex.. now I'm prego! Not sure what to do. We had a miscarriage back in June when I was about 11 weeks worst experience of my life! Now I'm prego again and scared about miscarriage and the fact that were not even together. I just told him he seems just as excited/nervous as me but I just don't know!! Anyone in a similar situation or have any advice. I'm very nervous on how I'm gonna tell my family.or when! I turn 21 in March and I just know its gonna have to come out sooner than later.


  • Hi randilyn..... do be nervous or anxious..... babies are blessings from god. Each pregnancy is very different,so just take care of yourself and all should work out!!! Just sit yor family down and talk to them... I am sure they will support u.
  • Be strong for the baby, be positive and your family will support you, my niece had the same situation and she didn't know who was the father but our family supported her and now we have a little baby in the family, she is so happy I'm expecting too so they will play together one day.
  • Sorry... I meant don't be nervous and anxious.... its 435am
  • Lol its 230 here! My first pregnancy back in June I was not very happy it was very unexpected and wasn't ready and after losing it then I had realized how badly I wanted to be pregnant. Now again all unexpected I'm scared of a miscarriage or the thought of not being in a relationship but excited at the thought of having a baby. Just sooo much running through my mind. :/ I know I just need to stay positive but sheesh. This is hard! Its like I'm scared to tell anyone I'm pregnant yet cuz what if I lose it.
  • Exact same thing happen to me! My ex and I were together for 3 years then we split when I left for college. I came to visit for a weekend and ended up sleeping with him and we got pregnant. We are back together now. I told my mom right away and she was really supportive. Try telling someone your closest to first. You will be fine! Stay positive and good luck.
  • I've been told u should wait till ur at least 12wks bc once u hit 12wks the chance of a miscarriage is like 5%.I was 17 and preg the dad was a loser I was terrified to tell my family.I had her when I was 18.I tried my whole preg to make it work wit my baby's dad n it didn't.I had her with my family's support not financial support but they let me live with them.I wouldn't change it for the world.I know some single parents wit family support n some without.its all up to u.if u want anything bad enough u find a way to make it work.1month after my daughter was born I met my husband.together 12yrs in july.we have 4children n preg wit our 5th.some how everything always works out.I hope im makin sense. 6am very tired.I have alot to say but can't word it right bc too tired but can't seem to fall asleep
  • Hello I just told my mom yesterday and I was scared shitless and I'm 18 and pretty much 13 weeks and it went a lot better then I thought
  • @mommy2be92 when is Ur due date I'm 18 an I'm 11 weeks
  • I think you are lucky that your ex seems good with the pregnancy already... I would say its fine to wait a few weeks before you tell anyone else except maybe a close & trusted friend, then your mind will be more at ease & you will have time to adjust to the idea of having a baby & start making some plans for the future. I think even if you & your ex don't get back together it sounds like he will still be supportive & involved & that's wonderful. Good luck honey! And remember, us girls on here are always here to talk, anytime! :)
  • Im 23 n might b prego(hopefully). Been w/ my bf 4 almost 7yrs.. I had a miscarriage in may of 2010 I was exactly 16wks.. we were both heartbroken.. I was nervous 2 tell my fam then n would still b this time even tho im grown lol.. This time I'll wait a while if so..
  • @baby_love I'm due august 7th.
  • @mommy2be92 do u kno Wat Ur having?? Wat do u want?
  • @mommy2be92 no the lil bugger was curled up in a ball and I want a boy you?
  • @mommy2be92 I go to the doctors on the ninth hopefully he can see what it is I want a girl so bad everyone is telling me its a girls
  • @baby_love when are you due? Lol everyone thinks boy about me lol
  • @mommy2be92 Aug 19 this is my second pregnancy I had a miscarriage in Nov
  • @baby_love awwe =] well its def hard to have a miscarriage when I was raped at 13 he got me pregnant and I had a miscarriage dnt get me wrong I didn't want that baby one bit but it still was very painful
  • @mommy2be92 I didn't have any pains Jus a little bleeding
  • Try not to stress. My sis had a mc a couple years ago and now shes 7 months. Maybe it just wasnt meant to be at that time for y'all. Hopefully everything works out for y'all and you have a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby
  • That's what I keep thinking if I just stay positive it'll work out. But thought of misscarrying again is terrifying. @ lucky7 yeah my mom had my older brother and ended up finding my dad and have been together 20 years. I know if it doesn't work with my ex I think I'm ok doing it on my own. But idk! I'm soo scared. I'm glad I found this app to talk to girls going through the same stuff!
  • Hi randilyn.I was terrified to it is scary alot all on u but u sound like u know wht ur doin.I just found this app couple days ago it really is great.well im here for u whenever u want to talk.oh yeah telling fam sooner than later is also better.I know its hard but try not to stress.its hard when ur preg n not wit the babies father.I cried all the time.I was so worried about everything.when u have baby you'll see though all the stress is totally worth is easier to once u come to terms with the fact u wont be wit the father.I figured it out bout 8th month of pregnancy. But hopefully it all works out for u and u and the father can make it work or the least b a team for the baby.I wish u all the luck and happiness
  • I really needed that right about now! I've been so confused lately. And scared! Thank you!
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