baby has lazy days?

I was going through a time when the baby would move quite a bit through out the day, now today I haven't felt as much as usual. I've still felt some but not as much. I'm 21 weeks and 2 days. Is this normal? Please tell me it is. And something else; I've had little pains on one side or the other and randomly everywhere in my belly not bad pains just little ones and it seems like if I push on where the pain is it moves or goes away. Anyone else ?


  • The little pains sound like nerves. Now for movement I would tell your Dr just encase
  • Pains sound like round ligament pain from your uterus growing. Doctors don't even begin to count movements until 28 wks because right now your little one is still small enought that they can move further back in your uterus where you don't feel them as much. When you first begin to feel movements, it is common to feel alot of movement one day and then hardly any if none for a day or two. Try eating something and laying on your left side in a dark, quiet room and focus on what you feel. If you become over concerned or just want to be double sure, you can go to L&D and have them check fetal heart tones, although they usually won't do this unless it's been over 24hrs.
  • Alright thank you very muchhhh @sgthalesbabies I didn't eat as much yesterday( like very minimal; just wasn't hungery) which I thought could've had something to do with him not moving a lot today. What do ya think)
  • Could little man did the same thing to me in the beginning when I first started to feel him move. Wait till the first time they shove a fist into your rib, you'll be wishing you didn't feel them as much, lol. Have you been moving around a lot today? Sometimes we get so busy we're distracted especially when their movements are still so small. @1sttimemommy92 I'm sure everythings fine though. It's easy to worry once we know they're in there moving.
  • Yess I've been moving all day and I normally sleep till around 10am ish and I had to get up around 8 and had been on the move almost all day. Chances are when I finally sat down he was asleep or something. I worrrry about everything. Lol so its nice to get some reassurence. :) thank you again @sgthalesbabies
  • No prob...I'm the same way! It took 4 years to conceive this little one and I'm gonna make damn sure nothing happens to him!
  • I feel exactly the same way, I just always worry somethings wrong. Ahhhh its driving me insane. Lol how far along are you? @sgthalesbabies
  • I'll be 28wks on Saturday. Still hard to believe its real sometimes! I have gestational diabetes though, so he's bigger than usual, guess that's why it looks like an alien flipping around when my whole stomach moves
  • @sgthalesbabies aweee congrats! :) I'm so excited for the time when I can actually feel him on the outside. how long have you been feeling the baby?
  • That happens to me all the time. It freaks me out lol my doc says its normal
  • I went to the dr to check things out because I still hadn't felt him. He was perfectly normal. Heartbeat around upper 140 to 160 because he was moving so muchh! Ahhh I'm so relieved :) thank you girls <3
  • Glad everything was ok. I've been feeling movement since around 20-22wks
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