mucous plug!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I just had to poop and push a little. When u wiped I looked at the to nit really sure why but there was the famous mucous plug. Dies that mean im close? Did I hurt the baby by pushing?


  • Wow my spell check has a mind of its own. * i looked at the tp not sure why** does* not dies
  • How far along are u. Im sure u didnt hurt baby
  • Didn't hurt the baby loosing the plug could mean soon to the next few days
  • Im 39 weeks and just had an apt today and they said I wasn't dilated but my cervix was very thin and the babies head is extremely low. It wasn't bloody just like clearish long snot lol
  • Ur close then :) just gotta start dilating now
  • Just finally lost mine a little bit ago too! I am already 5 days overdue so I am hoping things will get moving here soon!
  • Yea well I thought two weeks ago I was close when I was 50% effaced and the baby dropped. Now the mucus plug but no bloody show. Is this a sure sign labor is close? Or just one more step?
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