I'm just about ready to bash my head in with the claw side of a hammer! For the last two weeks I've had a terrible migraine that just won't quit. Ps tylenol SUCKS! I've been taking excedrin migraine which helps for about and hour then all over again my head starts to pound. Everything bothers me, sound light movement even smells... EVERYTHING is bothersome!!! Any home remedies, I will try almost anything even willing to naw off my arm to distract me from this agony!
@Rissalee7 ... I've heard that caffine can help and I've tried it sadly I'm one of the unfortunate ones it doesn't work for but thank you.
@DueMay10 ... yea dehydration can def cause massive heardaches I just think back you my young party days and hangovers hehe. But all I drink is water probably 7 or 8 bottled waters a day and a glass of milk gets thrown in there at times too. Thank you though.
@KerrideeRN ... I'm just about bothered enough with this pain to ask for something from the doctor thanx a bunch my next appt is on the 7th I hope I make it to then
@wallieheadbaby3 ... we are in the same boat, I'm going to try everything and let you know what helps. Good luck with the brain pain!
@SamiUK ... let me know if they work I will rushing to the drug store to pick them up if they do. Good luck feel better !
Thank you all I will try all your remedies and get back to everyone