is this it??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
According to doc I'm 29 week now but i am positive I'm further. I slept okay last night, but throughout my dream i was having horrible cramping and when i woke up i didn't know if it was just in my dream or if i was really cramping while sleeping and too tired to wake up...
But I'm having the cramping now I've been awake for about 35 min and I've had 3 waves of intense cramps but not contractions...
What should i do??
My Dad and his wife r out of town till Sunday
My Mom is also out of town somewhere else till Sunday
And my best friend is in sacramento until sunday!!!
This would not be a good time for labor


  • Call your doctor hun, even if you think you are further, you are still way too early for labor! Best of luck!
  • Drink alot of water. Sometimes cramping is brought on by dehydration. Also could be a bladder infection
  • Am drinking water now. Feeling nauseous I'm pretty sure i will puke. I'm now having sharp pains in my back but i think its just a nerve being pushed on.
    Baby is active.
    Question: do babies kick and move around when going into labor or are they calm when labor starts until birth?
    And I'm now pissed and stressed because i trying to get ahold of the father he might have to take me to hospital but he's completely ignoring me out of spite and there is NOBODY else to take me and i stormed last night real bad so roads are covered on 4 inches of snow and ice and my hospital is about a 45 minute highway drive :`(
  • I'm going to take a shower to see if it helps and if not ill be clean for the hospital
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