he seems to be leaning more towards abortion...



  • Sooo many uneducated people in here..its wrong to purposely take a life..plain and simple...read the Bible...yes he is a loving and forgiving God but you ppl are lying to yourselves so you won't have to be held accountable. The fact is the man is wanting her to kill her child so he won't have to deal with it! Duh!
  • Abortion is murder! Period end. Children are a gift from God! How dare you!!! Even to waste precious time considering it! How disgusting!
  • Hey guys let's cool it with the abortion discussion. Everyone has an opinion on it and none of us should be judging anyone. None of us have the right to tell someone they are.wrong. this subject comes up many times a week and ends up with the same results. Someone always feels outed and its not fair. We can all have ours say and give her what we.feel is our best advice but in the end its her choice.
  • @char have you ever had a miscarriage?
  • Hi hunnie I hope your ok!? I think if ur already questioning the abortion and r in two minds then your not 100% ready there for shouldn't do it cz u will regret it. I had this happen to me, I was 16 and my bf cried when I told him then basically said he wouldn't be there for me or the baby which I was stupid enough to go along with! And he ended up leaving me anyways. But every November on the 12th I think of baby this year he/she should be 5, I don't want u to have to feel that pain to unless ur deffinatly sure that's what u want. Hope it works out xx
  • Absolutely no reason you can't finish school with a baby... I hate that people make it seem that way! In fact there are.more things in place for unwed parents trying to obtain a degree than any other! Email me if u want I can give u lots of info! There are grants for childcare, housing, even gas expenses!
  • @sweetness06 I feel almost like you. I'm under 25 and I'm pregnant with my 4th child. My bf is leaning towards abortion while I'm unsure. He says we can't afford another child and I agree. The only thing is ppl keep saying this baby is a blessing. My tubes are tied and I still became pregnant. Does that seem like a blessing? I cry every day because of the choices that has to be made. :-?
  • First off @sweetness06 know this no matter wat God loves you n I'm pretty sure u have others that loves u as well I know right now this is extremely difficult for you watever decision u make pray bout it before u do it ask God for strength and wisdom tp make yhe right decision god knows ur heart he knows wat u can or cannot handle he will not put not put so much on u as where u can't handle. I will b prayin for u as well. As for everybody else this girl or young lady came on here for support she did not come on here for y'all to judge her thisa site for pregnant people to vent not to n judged she asked for advice n this wat u guys tell her u have to understand she is goin through a lot n the one thing every preggo shouldn't do is stress but it seems ur adding on everybody says don't do this don't do that God says no one is perfect and a sin is a sin not absolutely not one sin can b greater than the next so if stole something n she had an abortion that does not make u better than her. He said that if u come to him n seek forgiveness he shall forgive u 777 times 77 so don't judge cuz no one is n a place to judge anybody. Don't get me wrong I'm not claiming to b holier than him nor anyone Im just sayin whatever decision she makes help her not criticize her if u don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all u never know wat situation u will find urself n next.
  • For me- someone who is trying to conceive this conversation is very sad. My husband and I are 23 and want a baby so badly. My view on abortion although I could never do it I know many who have. its like the saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Everyone makes mistakes whether its not practicing safe sex or what theyt get pregnant the first time ok. But when you abort one and then the same thing happens again is very sad to me. Especially if contraceptives were not being used.
  • I had an abortion about 5 years ago when I was 18 and I will NEVER EVER do that again. I've been blessed enough to have a bf who supports me and will be supporting this baby. He has even made changes to his living arrangements for the baby among other things. If he did want me to get an abortion though I wouldn't do it. I would just be a single mother with the help of family and gov't assistance. Don't think you can't do this because women do it everyday. You can still have your baby and accomplish every goal you ever dreamed of accomplishing! Yes it will be hard without his ass there, but you don't need him to raise your child. Everything will be ok, just pray and have faith that GOD has a plan for you and he does not take you through anything that you can't handle. This is just a test and it will be over soon. Do what you feel is right for you and don't just listen to your bd. This is your decision, not his. Good luck!
  • Guys always want the easy way when they're scared. Mine wanted an abortion but after having his first child..he begged me for another one. Its your choice. I have two with a third otw. The only thing they have done is make my life worth living. Look up pics of aborted babies and tell me of its a good option. Also they can feel their bodies being cut up by the tenth week. Do you really want to pay someone to murder your child?
  • Also I have been a single mom for 7 years. Im 26. I went to school and have always had a job. Don't be afraid of a little work
  • If you got pregnant in 2008 and had an abortion why in gods name would you even take the chance of getting pregnant again? THERES YOUR SIGN
  • @char um no people who have miscarriages are NOT stopping a beating heart a miscarriage is NOT somethin we agree to do that's life and it just happens its not ones fault when they mis carry honey you have it all wrong an abortion is somethin one has control over a miscarriage is somethin one does not have control over
  • U have control enough not to get pregnant again after 4 or 5 of them. Because agree or not that was a beating heart. Sorry I think it is just as bad when repeated multiple times, ur not going to change my mind none of u r. I think it is so funny on these sites when people think their little remarks r going to change someones why of thinking. Abortions r not a good thing either but must women don't do it again after 1 or 2. Good luck to u all I am done with this thread. I have better thing to do. I will delete the comments so u all don't have to get upset.
  • I've been crying reading this whole thing and I'm in the same situation. My BF and I are willing to make things work out but my mom and brother don't think I should keep it. They claim I have a life to live. I made the mistake not using protection and I'm willing to take reaponsiblities for my mistakes and become a parent to my child. When the baby comes my life ends there and who cares about partying. I will finish school because that Is the best thing or my baby but It just bring tears to my eyes thar my own family isn't there to support me and I love my mom but I hate her for not being there for me and I feel alone throughout this pregnancy because I dont have anyone can relate to me and my boyfriend isnt going to understand things that are happening to me like a another mom would. I just wish I had support and I dont want to wish my baby in heaven a happy birthsay I want to be the mm telling my baby to blow the candle out now... I'm sorry that we all have to go through thos and I wish I can help everyone with this problem and be able to support them. I don't know what my heart is twlling me so I cant follow it. I just need support from someone with experience especially someone who had an abortion.
  • Hun please ignore all the lies about not being able to go back to skool. My friend has an almost 5 year old she got pregnant at 15 and finished. If your not sure about an abortion chances are you will not want it afterward. Adoption is the better option. Please listen to you. Most the women on here are right its your decision, your body, and your fetus. Don't be persuaded by anybody but you. It is not fair to you for anybody to tell you what to do with your body.
  • @OregonMama I'm pro-choice, but I have to say that your answer was the MOST respectful response to this situation ever. Not once was there judgment or condemning and you didn't invoke God's name(not everyone believes so people shouldn't be condemning anyone to hell or such) or anything like that. I know better than to respond to posts like this but had to say that I really liked your response. Have a good night :) And if you're preggo then congrats!!
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