Had bloodwork done today d/t af being 5 days late, negative. I didn't think id be as upset as I am, I'm used to bfns! Never ever late though so I thought this was my month for sure! Feel like giving up
@emilymoto No please don't give up. It's worth it to keep trying. You'll get the results you want soon enough. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Good luck!
yea plz dont give up because im 16 wks today and guess when i found out....13 weeks 5 day kept getting neg tests jus wait another week r 2 to test pregnancy should be called the wait game
Nessas~omg! Did you get a negative result with a blood test also? You girls are giving me hope thank you sooooo much! And fingers crossed for wonderful pregnancies!
@emilymoto It will all be worth it when you get that positive test. Try having sex every other day during your fertile days and on the day you ovulate.
We try everything except BBT.....I have a 7yr old son who was a great surprise,lol....just having a hard time understanding why that happened and now I'm trying and its so difficult, ugh! Thank you, it really is comforting having support
That makes me feel better! If I'm not prego I wish af would come already so I can try again! Haha, very true, we can never put a $ value on our children!