question help me out

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Ladies I have a question. I am currently 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my 1st. when I was 6w6d I had a u/s and everything was good seen the heart beat and it was 133 a min. But since the I haven't been to the doctors again. My next appointment is April 13th, but I'm a little nerves and need some advise. I do not feel pregnant at all not hungry no morning sickness nothing the only thing is my boobs are sore but other then that nothing. Should I be worried or just wait it out till my next appointment?


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  • from the other times iv seen this question. what the other moms say is that all women r different n every pregnancy is different some women dont really feel the symptoms. so try not to worry. but if ur really concerned call ur doc. I know u were lookin for advice from moms but firsttimedaddy was here
  • Lol.. well I'm not stressing because I know that isn't good for the baby but it is a concern. But thank you, and that's what I'm hoping for that I'm just one of the lucky ones :)
  • edited March 2011
    I didn't have any symptoms at all with any of mine!!! Be thankful! Very thankful lol. Some women dispise women that have no morning sickness etc. If your boobs are hurting still that's a good sign!!!! I just recetly miscarried on march 10th and everything was ok until I was 14 weeks along. Once my boobs quit hurting I knew I wasn't pregnant any more! Don't stress about it! It will only make things worse for u and the baby. Keep your head up girl!!! Good luck! Btw she'd did you get your profile pic I love it!!!" I want to get a memorable tattoo and I want to get baby feet for th one I miscarried.
  • @mommy2b1023 lol honey I was in the same boat I had no morning sickness no nothin besides occasional sore boob. And I'm 13 weeks 3 days had an ultrasound Wednesday and everything was fine. Were just the lucky ones lol don't worry just wait till your next appointment. But can I ask why are your appointments so far apart?
  • I got it from Google I just google baby prints and went to images. And thank you and everything is prob fine I'm just over thinking. Thank you and sorry to hear about your loss sweetie
  • @kbg10 I'm not sure its when my doctor gave me my next appointment. I believe she told me I only need to be seen once a month for the 1st few months
  • Hmm oh well it just seemed like an awful long time in between lol but every 4 weeks is normal in most cases
  • It's April 6th not 13th my mistake
  • Be thankful. I'm almost eight weeks and I've got every single pregnancy symptoms u cud ever have
  • Lol most of my symptoms went away around 8 weeks and I was so worried cuz I didnt have ny first appointment till 11weeks , but when we saw my gummy bear jumping around in my belly at that appointment all my worries went away. The thing I was most scared of was my boobs definitely didnt hurt at all! But my baby is still fine, very healthy (: I can even feel my baby move! I take it as a sign that I have taken such good care of my body nutrient wise. (: and dont stress, just keep your hopes up. everything is fine !
  • Thank you ladies and good luck and Congrats to all
  • I lost all my symptoms by then hun. Went for my frst ultrasound at 12w and everythin was fine! Id neva seen or heard my baba either just 2lines on my test to keep me goin till then xx
  • the only symptom i ever had w/ my first was missed period and a lil fatuige.. i wouldnt worry.. not good for the baby...
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